Chapter 71

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The sound of Hardin's voice echoes in the distance, calling me to wake up. As much as I try, my eyelids remain heavily sealed shut. Movement is what makes me stir, so deep into my slumber that I jump in fright when something touches me.

"Shh, I've got you." A deep voice soothes, warmth seeping into my body as I'm cradled like a baby. I don't argue it, completely content against his chest as I sink back into the darkness.



The way she subconsciously buries her face into my chest, gripping onto my shirt as it to get closer, it fills me a sense of happiness, and contentment. Kali hasn't always been so open with her thoughts or feelings, so I know how much it means for her to be so comfortable with me in her most vulnerable state.

With a slight smile, I use my foot to shut the car door, leaving the luggage in the car until tomorrow as I carry Kali bridal style into the pack house.

"Alpha? We weren't expecting you back till the morning." Winters voice is partially slurred as she waves a plastic red cup at me.

I freeze on the spot, flickering my eyes to the bodies passed out all over my house. The floors covered in food and rubbish, the same plastic cups that Winter is sipping from. The stench of alcohol burns the back of my throat, as well as vomit.

The urge to rip heads off is almost too strong to ignore.

Tightening my grip on my sleeping mate, I focus on her peaceful features as I trample through the mess and up the steps. Deciding that I'll deal with it all in the morning, when they wake bright and early with hangovers.

Let's see how much they like to drink when they're scrubbing stale vomit off of the floors at sunrise.

Pulling the sheets back, I lay Kali on the bed and gently remove her shoes, placing them aside before pulling the sheet over her body. Seeing her hair is still in a bun, I quickly remove the bobble and run my fingers through her hair to loosen it.

Tossing my t-shirt and jeans aside, I climb into bed next to my beautiful mate. Ignoring what's to come in the morning, I settle against her barely warm body and draw her against my heated one.

"Mm." She sounds in approval.

She's so beautiful.


I wake up with my legs hanging over Hardin's mid section, and my head so far from the pillows that I wonder if I even used them at all.

In fact, when did we even get back? Last thing I remember we were still hours away when I fell to sleep.

"No, stay." Hardin's husky growl is low, still half asleep as he holds onto my leg.

Really, Hardin?

With a laugh I move closer to him, straddling his thighs to avoid the morning erection touching me. Since we started the whole sex thing he's been insatiable, quite literally going to sleep with his length buried inside me, and if he had it his way we'd wake up that way too.

"Get up, Sunshine. We've got shit to do." I demand, slapping his chest before jumping off of him.

His loud groan is one given in annoyance, one that I choose to ignore as I start brushing my teeth. His looming figure towers over me, his warmth enveloping me like a blanket.

"I want to play." He sighs, staring at me with barely awake eyes. Is he serious right now?

Shaking my head, I roll my eyes as the roughness of his fingers dance softly over my waist. I shouldn't react to him like this, yet my body comes alive under his taunting caresses.

Spitting the mouthwash down the sink, I rest my head against his chest, staring at our reflection in the mirror.

He's so...pure. It's a strange way of describing him, but it's true. He sees the good in things, sees the good in me, in the world even when it feels like there is none. He's kind, and honest, generous, qualities that don't usually come in a package labelled Alpha.

"What are you thinking?" He murmurs, wrapping his bulky arms around my flat stomach.

Smiling softly, I rest my hands over his and shake my head a little. I'd do anything for him, I'd watch the world burn for him, but I'd also sit here and do nothing with him for the rest of my life. I'd be happy to just do nothing, as long as he's with me.

Is that crazy?

"How beautiful you are." I admit quietly, still staring into his silver eyes in the mirror.

His eyes widen slightly, a faint shade of pink tinting his neck and cheeks. Is he blushing? The sight fills me with warmth.

"Beautiful? I'm a man, Kat." He protests for the sake of his dignity, but I know he's not all offended, his eyes give him away.

"I'm talking about in here." I smile, placing my hand over my chest.

"Your soul." I murmur, feeling his arms squeeze me a little as he buries his face into my hair, inhaling slowly.

Hardin doesn't have to say anything, I feel in in the way he's holding me. Everyone gets a different version of Hardin depending on who they are, how they treat him. Except me. I get all of him, and to be the person that he trusts with all of himself after everything we've been means a fucking lot.

"HARDIN!" I screech in surprise, gripping his shoulders as he carries me back to the bed. Naturally, I protest.

"I have to head home-" I let out a small squeal as he tosses me onto the silk sheets, straddling me faster than I can blink so that I can't get up.

"I can smell your lies, Katalayha...and that you're soaked." His husky growl rumbles with arrogance and pride.

Fucking Alphas. I thought, trying to be miserable about it. Secretly I want nothing more than for him to have his wicked, sinful way with me.

And I mean, the way he draws my name out like it's sheer sex in his mouth? It's enough to make the most stubborn woman cave.

"One hour." I whisper, grabbing his face and dragging him down to my lips.

His low chuckle vibrates between us, rough hands caressing my taut stomach.

"We'll see." He growls softly, using his knee to nudge my legs apart, settling his intimidating body between them.


For the next few days everything runs smoothly, and I can do nothing but dread the weeks to come. Keeping it from Hardin just about kills me, but I can't risk him knowing, he'll lock me away forever just to keep me out of danger.

But the Elders don't like to be kept waiting. And I cannot refuse them.

So I feed Hardin part of the truth, that I have a job and it's going to take me a little longer than usual. I have to gather intel, surveillance and watch their routines, and then...well, I kept what comes after to myself.

I finally manage to get away, saying goodbye with the promise to be careful. Instantly wishing I could turn back and tell him the truth, but I couldn't. Leaving Lucifer behind makes me feel just as much guilt as I do for lying to Hardin.

What if I can't keep my promise to be back by the next grand Event at the Elders headquarters?

What if I don't come back?

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Where stories live. Discover now