Chapter 56

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                     ~ ONE WEEK LATER ~

The entire pack are waiting outside as I arrive on pack land, hundreds upon hundreds of wolves all stood in silence. The children and women no longer in sight, and the men as enraged as they could be.

I stop the car near the edge of the trees, Lucifer on my heel as I exit the car and walk towards Xavier, Hardin's dad.

"I should have married him." I whisper to Hardin who joins my side from the crowd.

I could feel the blame, the anger all directed at me. They didn't want this, they didn't ask for any of this. It seems every time I come back, trouble follows.

"Roman is a sociopath, this war is on him, and him alone." Hardin growls, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Like it or not, this war is coming for us all now. Kali had every right to deny him, as any mated woman would have. That does NOT give Roman the right to take our wives! Our mates! Or our fucking PUPS!" Dom's voice booms with authority and sharp rage, commanding silence from all whispering wolves.

There is a short silence.

"She brought this upon us all." A voice calls out.

"Unintentionally, and I could stand here and apologise and it would change nothing! let's do something, let's show that bastard that he is not a fucking god, that he bleeds like the rest of us." I snap, having enough of being blamed and hated for something that I never had a choice in.

He disturbed my pups resting, he dug them up, shoved them all into a blanket and rammed my face into what was left of them. If anyone here has reason to want him to burn, it's me.

"Us? You're a human." One of the Betas comment, instantly receiving a backhander from Maddox, his Alpha.

"He has people I love, including Cami. This isn't about who's to blame anymore, it's about saving our families...and the only way we can do that is working together." I retort coldly.

Hardin and I kept our mouths shut, simply for our sake. The only person that knows what happened is Athena, For what she's about to do, I owe her everything.

"She's right." Maddox steps from the crowd, giving me a nod.

"Count me in." A woman states, coming forth in armour that shines so brightly I find it hard to look at her.

She's the goddess. I realise, a little taken back by how stunning she is. Athena, the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war, the only Luna I haven't met. Hardin has spoken to her directly, but I never met her.

"Athena." Alpha Silverstone immediately takes her aside.

"My father can cast me out if that is what he wishes, I will fight this war at your side, Sylvester." Athena refuses to listen, making her words known to everyone.

"Would the rest of your family be willing to help?" I but in, despite knowing a goddess doesn't exactly like to be approached like this.

She turns to me with a slight smile. "There is one that will not refuse." She tells me with the faintest nod, her voice so full of wisdom that I'd believe anything.

"Ares." I guess, knowing my Greek mythology.

"Yes, unfortunately the fae Queen is resting, she would have been a very powerful ally." Athena says softly.

"What about her people?" Maddox questions.

"They protect their Queen during her rest, they will not leave her side." Athena tells him.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin