Chapter 44 - Part B

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Hormone imbalance.

Throughout history she-wolves have fallen pregnant, thousands upon thousands of them. In each and every recorded pregnancy there is only one thing that matches in every single she-wolf.

Hormone imbalance.

If a human has hormone imbalance it isn't good news, yet for a wolf, this is what changes our scent. Somehow it benefits our bodies, and I'm no doctor so I don't know much about it but I do know that it can be fixed.

Thing is, how the hell do I make my hormones unbalanced? Is it safe for me, considering I'm not a wolf?

Hormone imbalance alters the scent, heightens certain specific hormones so that other wolves know when we're carrying. It makes sense I guess.

"Kali! It's awake, and I think it's hungry!" Winter calls up the steps, her tone uneasy.

Quickly sliding the book under my bed, I head downstairs. The dog is standing as stiff as a board, it's beady black eyes on Winter, it's head slightly low. Why did I choose to buy a house with a full glass window into my living room? Im kind of regretting that choice now.

"Try not to look at it." I tell her, my own tone uneasy as I grab a slab of steak from the fridge.

Personally I don't like the idea of feeding it raw meat, but Sarah says this is what it eats.

The dog is eerily calm as I head outside, turning to me with the same death like stare. The chain is pulled out to its max length, and the collar is tight on its throat as it pulls forwards. Considering how quiet the dog is, I get closer and offer it it's meat.

The vicious snarl as it rips the steak from my fingers has me flinching in surprise. Suddenly no longer the calm and quiet dog, it shreds the steak apart, flinging its head back and forth even after its torn a piece off. Like it's wishing the steak was a person.

I could see the instant change in the dog.

"Enjoy it, it's the last bit of meat you'll ever have." I tell the beast, hoping it would understand me.

It just flares at me with those menacing obsidian eyes, so I head back inside the house.

"Almost had your fingers." Winter chuckles.

"Not surprised the things tapped in the head, it doesn't know the difference between human flesh and that shit." I mutter, watching as it finishes off the steak and resumes glaring at us through the glass.

Talk about creepy.

"I'm going to get an early night, feel free to make yourself a home and whatever you do...don't taunt it." I say with a grimace.

"I won't, goodnight." Winter smiles at me.

"Goodnight." I sigh, heading off upstairs. Thankfully the horses are done, and honestly as bad as I feel for the dog, I don't have the energy tonight.

Stripping off my clothes, I climb into bed and cuddle into my pillows. Hardin's silver eyes flash as I close my eyes, and I smile slightly, hoping that I dream of something good.



Sarah came early as promised, handing me a large stack of papers from the vets, and the pound, and the insurance companies revolving around this dog.

"He's hungry." Sarah comments, noticing the dogs behaviour across the field. I suppose she's used to feeding him so she knows when he wants something.

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