Chapter 76 - Part B

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After discharging myself from their care, I take a cab back to my house. The only person I've been in contact with is Jackson, and as promised, the bag is waiting on my doorstep. I'd made him promise not to tell anyone, feeling bad enough that I haven't told Hardin yet.

But tonight is the event at the Elders headquarters. Hardin will already be there along with many other Alphas and wolves. I can just picture him standing with Zed, talking to some Alpha and not hearing a word because his mind is focused on me.

Jackson has told me how crazy Hardin has been. And I know he's angry, because I lied.

Shaking off the thoughts, I grab the bag and fish out my keys. Unlocking my Bugatti, I place the bag in the passengers seat for later, and get in the drivers side.

It's an hours drive to the usual pick up spot, and then a nine hour flight to Germany. Which means I'll be fashionably late, and of course I'll get ready on the jet.

I'm just glad I get to bring my car. The Elders have no idea that I'm off that island, or that I hired their pilot behind their backs to fly their private jet in order to get me to Germany.

"Ma'am." The pilot greets me with a smile, allowing me to head up the steps with him in tow.

"I have to get ready, is everything set up?" I ask the male.

"Yes ma'am." He nods, bringing the steps up with a push of a button, then be secures the door.

"Great, thank you." I smile, taking a seat on one of the large soft leather seats, I click the belt around my waist, closing my eyes to block out the noise of the jet.

Technically I'm still supposed to be on bed rest, the medics that I've spent the last week with were close to drugging me to keep me there. Naturally I hate being bed bound, and it doesn't help that I miss Hardin more than anything in the world.

I'm alive because of my desire and need to see him, and I know it's the only reason I've pushed so much this month. The only thing that has kept me going, kept me from giving in. It frightens me.

This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. That Hardin would become more important than my own life.

Don't overthink, Kali. I tell myself, knowing that nothing good ever comes from it.

The moment the jet is in the air, I unclip my belt and head past all the chairs and luxury seating. Slipping behind the white curtains and through the door. The hallway is familiar, with three doors leading to bedrooms or bathrooms. The Elders have their own bedrooms, and I have always been given the VIP room.

It has a queen sized bed, built in wardrobe, desk, and mini bar, plus it's own bathroom. The bath has always been my favourite part, it's massive, and it bubbles.

The twinge of pain along the right side of my waist reminds of my injuries. No bath this time. I mentally sigh, stripping off my clothes as I head to the large open shower. The only thing separating it from the rest of the bathroom is a sheet of clear glass.

The amount of times I've walked into it drunk, I cannot remember.

Considering I've had zero showers for the last month, on the island and in the hospital, I'm quite excited to wash away the filth. The whole shaving thing, that's a bummer, taking up a good hour as I make sure everything is silky smooth. I even go through the effort of using a hair conditioning mask, which instantly smoothens out the dry kinks.

"Ugh." I scowl, prodding at my roots. They've grown out more than I'd like, but there's no more time to make amends.

So after my shower, I stay in my towel for a while knowing we don't land for another seven and a half hours. I've never been one of those girls who take an entire day to get ready.

The bruises on my face are dark, my cheek slightly swollen and a cut on my forehead that had to be glued shut. I'm not a pretty sight. But the idea of hiding this makes me feel stupid, I shouldn't have to hide.

But I do want to make an entrance, so I suppose a flawless complexion is required. As for the rest of my body, well...there's no hiding that.

My stomach flutters as time passes, my palms growing slightly sweaty. I admit it, I feel somewhat nervous at the thought of seeing Hardin, and multiple Alphas and Lunas, and warriors from other packs.

Oh, god. I feel nauseous.


Finally the jet lands.

I smooth out the material of my dress, the soft lace clung to my body like a second skin, yet so soft and comfortable it's like I'm wearing nothing. The deep red stands out on my tan skin, even if I do feel somewhat naked without my usual jeans and jacket.

"You look stunning, Miss Slovak." The pilot smiles, offering me his hand as I step down the stairs.

His voice is polite, his smile kind, but his eyes almost darker as he gazes at me longer than necessary.

"Thank you." I smile politely, releasing his hand.

He grabs my single bag, walking to my car and placing it on the passengers seat. He knows the drill, so I just thank him again and climb into my beautiful Bugatti.

The event has just started, but instead of heading straight there I make a stop to a familiar beauty salon. I'd called in advance, so Tessa isn't surprised to see my bruised smiling face as I enter the shop.

My heels swinging in my hand, while I hold the lace of my dress up with the other. Tessa gives a loud whistle.

"You look HOT! Where you going?" She grins, giving me a short hug before I sit in the chair.

"The Elders party of course." I innocently admit, seeing her smile become devilish as she grins.

"Well get these bruises covered, don't you worry." She winks, understanding that I plan to make a very strong impression.

The island has helped me wash away the self-pity and shame, the final doubts I had about me and Hardin. About becoming his mate, about taking responsibility.

"I'm not worried." I smile assuringly.

She laughs, covering my dress with a large sheet that Velcro's at the back of my neck. Tessa pulls a chair up, and begins working on my make up. She knows what I like, so I let her work in silence.

A little over a hour later, my bruises are non-existent. And the foundation blends with my skin colour perfectly so I don't worry about people pointing out that I've got a shit ton of makeup on.

"Kill some bitches." Tessa winks, giving me a short hug.

"I will, see you." I laugh, pulling back and exiting her salon.

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