Chapter 33 - Part A

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At the time it felt like the most rational thing to do, and yet here I am now realising how crazy it was to actually go through with it.

"We're at war. I specifically asked you to stay clear, and not twenty four hours're here? Are you out of your mind?" Hardin questions coldly, the glare on his face tells me he's anything but pleased.

He's attempting to remain calm, but I can see the Alpha wolf wanting to lash out. I disobeyed him, me being here puts not only myself at risk, but Hardin and this entire pack. Like I said, coming here felt the most rational thing to do at the time.

"Oh, I'm out of my mind? That's rich, coming from the guy that thinks I'm actually going to hide from a man that I could kill in my sleep." I retort with a scowl, not entirely pleased that he doubts me.

I mean, perhaps I'm overestimating my abilities but it doesn't mean I can't play dirty. Fighting as a human means I learned a few things, the kind of things that wolves would never even consider because it's against their nature.

"Every second you're here puts you at risk." Hardin growls lowly, taking my arm firmly and half dragging me from his office.

The fact that he's holding my arm as if I'm some child, angers me. I instantly yank against him, smacking the inside of his elbow, effectively knocking his hold away. How dare he grab me like that?

"Do you really believe that? That I would put my own life at risk when it is all I have left?" I question darkly, not exactly pleased.

Hardin's eyes narrow slightly as he realises why I'm here. As hurtful as it may be, I'm not here for any other reason than to kill Markus, and it is long overdue. The two girls that went missing? They're not the first to vanish from Markus' pack.

"What are you planning?" Hardin speaks through gritted teeth, eyes flickering with concern.

"I intend to live, Hardin, and that's all you need to know until it's done." I state bluntly. Perhaps a little bit harsh, I know, but it's necessary.

"This is ridiculous, Beck is driving you home." Hardin says with a low growl, motioning for Beck to take me away.

Is he serious right now? He thinks he can just dismiss me like I'm just another person in his way?

"I knew you'd react like I made sure to inform the Elders, and Markus of the challenge before I arrived." I decide to admit, gesturing with my finger for Beck to back the hell away from me.

"You cannot challenge Markus, this is war-"

"The law is that all challenges must be accepted, a challenge has and always will come before war. The law also states that the two Alpha's at war cannot partake in the challenge, although they have to accept a challenge from another Alpha within good reason during war." I explain sharply.

Yes, I know my shit.

"What reason is good enough, that the Elders and Markus accepted?" Hardin scoffs, utterly displeased.

"It's my job to know shit about people, figuring out what Markus was doing with the she-wolves in his pack was easy. I knew the Elders would never go for it without proof, and I didn't fancy wasting my time chasing after the missing teens when your life is at risk." I admit, shrugging casually.

Man does Hardin look infuriated right now.

"I'll heal, you won't." He argues, and I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. I know he isn't saying it to hurt my feelings or upset me, but instead to get it into my head that if Markus draws blood, that might be all it takes to end me.

"Having you in my corner made me feel safe, it gave me strength to take out anyone in my way. I felt like I could take on the world because I knew you would always be by my side." I admit softly, shaking my head a little in disappointment.

Hardin's eyes soften slightly. "I'm always in your corner, but this challenge stops me from protecting you."

I just stare at him flatly. Does everyone including him believe that I need protecting?

"I don't need to be saved." I whisper to him, my tone a little bitter.

Do I look like a woman in need of protection? Soon they're going to see, and they won't question my capability again.

"Markus will be here soon, I have to prepare and I prefer to do that alone." I tell Hardin, and Zed, and the multiple warrior wolves standing guard.

I don't bother waiting for a response, knowing anything Hardin says will only be on the lines of continuing this disagreement.

Even though I don't live here, I decide to make myself at home. By tonight the Elders will be here, along with three Alphas as witness and Markus. Failing isn't an option, it means showing the world that I am just a human, that I'm no match for any Alpha or wolf.

How could I have fallen so far? Is the thing I couldn't stop asking myself, hating that I'm just a fraction of my former self.

When I first met Hardin, he taught me to never overestimate my own abilities, but also to never underestimate the enemy. It seems the first part of that lesson has been forgotten about over the years, my anger and pride too great.

I can tell myself and others that I'm doing this for Hardin, for the pack...but the truth is that I challenged Markus merely to make a point. A statement, a show of strength and power, the kind that I once possessed.

What kind of person purposely agrees to a war without rules against something superior to them in every way?

Perhaps I'm not as sane as I assume.

"You're really going to do this?" Her voice is gentle, so quiet that I barely manage to hear her.

"I am." I confirm, twisting my hair up into a messy bun.

"Why? Haven't you proven yourself enough?" Triss questions as she comes into the training room.

"What, you think that I'm doing this for approval?" I scoff, arching my eyebrow at her like she's insane.

"If not for that reason, then what?" She frowns slightly, like she really doesn't understand.

It makes sense. Someone who still has her identity will never understand why I do most of the things I do.

"You know who I am, Triss...what makes you think I need a reason to kill?" I question icily with a blank stare, the kind that instantly puts her on edge.

Her eyes flicker away momentarily, before she furrows her eyebrows and meets my stare head on. If my wolf wasn't dormant, Triss wouldn't have her eyes right now.

"Are you at least going to take precautions?" Her tone is almost demanding, like I don't have a choice.

I get it. Triss is here on Hardin's behalf, to talk me into using wolfsbane, and weapons, anything to my advantage that will ensure I survive. The very things that Hardin made me swear to never use unless it was last resort.

Facing Markus is last resort. Life or death.

But the Alpha challenge is the most honoured and respectful way to settle an argument, easily the most brutal but still.

Does everyone truly believe I no longer have honour?

"I suppose you'll have to watch and find out." Is my response, instead of exploding in anger or making this into a big argument.

I choose to turn away and focus my anger on the punching bag as I image Markus' face on the cracked old leather.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant