Chapter 25

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I glance at the box sat on the cabinet beside the bed, and with a small sigh I place all the documents aside. Grabbing the box, I set the lid aside and stare at the untouched cake.

I couldn't help but smile a little, my heart swelling in my chest. It would be a waste to let it go in the trash. I convince myself, picking the box up and heading downstairs.

Despite the multiple dirty looks, or smiles from people that actually want me here, I blank each and every one of the haters and head into the kitchen. The fact that this place really hasn't changed, isn't comforting. The wolves that don't want me here, their numbers have grown since they began to realise my wolf is dormant. It's like my first day here all over again, being underestimated, treated like the outcast.

As I turn around with a plate in my hand, holding a piece of cake, my eyes land on six large wolves, all men. It wouldn't bother me, if it wasn't for the fact that they're all facing me, blocking the doorway. The look in their eyes tells me they're not here to bribe me into giving them a slice of cake.

I would have once told myself never to lay a hand on a pack member, but I suppose after five years those morals have faded. Fact is, with my wolf dormant I'm pretty much a human, so it wouldn't take six frown wolves to hurt me, or even kill me.

They're here to do worse than that.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask them with a small sigh, placing the cake on the counter top.

"This pack has no place for a mortal." One of the wolves spit.

Usually a wolf would do this with honour, Hardin would watch over the fight and there would be rules. These wolves are just a handful of men from the packs that belong to me, not Hardins, these are what I once called the rapists.

"A mortal?" I muse, chuckling humourlessly.

"I suggest you leave whilst you still have the chance." I warn icily.

Wolves are dominant creatures, prone to certain habits like killing and hunting. So it really doesn't surprise me when the males simply laugh in my face.
I anticipated this reaction, so whilst I distract them with my warning, I reach behind me, slipping my hand under the back of my leather jacket.

Fun fact, I've been packing weapons since setting foot on this land.

In a flash, the safety is off and the huge bang ricochets off the walls of the kitchen, echoing six times. Personally the sound doesn't bother me.

The wolves didn't get the chance to take a step before dropping. It's dishonourable for wolves to kill one another with weapons, but like they said, I'm not a wolf. They would have raped and killed me, why not shoot them dead?

Placing my gun in the little holder inside my jacket, I turn around and pick the plate back up.

"I came here expecting the Alpha female, not a honour-less version of her." Unfamiliar voice.

I sit at the large marble island eating the piece of cake, glancing at the male that enters the kitchen. He wears a very expensive suit, he's tall and muscular, built like Hardin. Except this mans hair is longer, a little on the rough and ready side, something that suits him.

"For a man that has come asking for my help, you sure are careless with your words." I muse dryly, taking a bite of cake as I stare at the large unyielding man.

"Athena is the goddess of war, why can't she train them?" I question him.

"Athena is forbidden to train those outside Olympia." Sylvester is quick to defend his chosen mate, a quality I admire.

"How many men?" I arch a single eyebrow.

Sylvester walks to the island, pulling out a stool and sitting across from me. I suppose this conversation is about to get long.

"Almost a thousand." Sylvester states.

"That will take months." I sigh.

"I am willing to pay whatever price you ask." He tells me firmly, and I know he's a man of his word.

I planned to do this for the money, but I could bargain for something else. Something like a face to face meet with Eileithyia. Is it wise to know the future? What if I only doom myself all over again?

"Land Rover Range Rover sport SVR." I say confidently without blinking.

Sylvester stares at me for a moment, and then he just looks amused.

"Are you certain? I'm prepared to offer you enough money to buy five of those cars if you wish." He tells me.

I give a small shrug. "Give the rest to someone who needs it. We'll start with a hundred wolves that need the most training, how soon can you bring them?"

"Is tomorrow possible?" Sylvester questions. It makes me wonder if there's a reason for the rush.

"Yeah, no problem." I agree.

For a while we talk about the wolves needing training, Sylvester has specific training methods and rules that his men must obey. One of the reasons he wants me to train them, is because Athena is forbidden and I'm apparently the next best thing. He wants his wolves to respect females, to understand that they're not weaker, or any less dangerous than a man.

I admire that, it reminds me of why I fell in love with Hardin all that time ago.

Eventually Sylvester leaves, the moment he's gone a large group of men enter the kitchen to clear out of the dead bodies.

"I cut you a piece of cake." I offer Hardin with a slightly tense smile. Take the offering, please. I think to myself, hoping that he doesn't hate me for killing his wolves on my second day here.

He stares at me with those silver eyes, that familiar crease of concern between his eyebrows.

"Give me the gun." He whispers softly, closing the distance between us as he holds out his hand.

My heart falls. "Hardin-"

"The gun." He cuts me off, clearly in no mood to listen to my shit right now.

Sucking up my pride, I set the small plate aside and slip the gun out from my jacket, ensuring the safety is on before I place it in his hand.

"It was them or me, I won't apologise for defending myself." I whisper to him, figuring he doesn't want the whole pack hearing us.

"You know that wasn't self defence, Kali, even in your bloodlust you felt remorse...that mercy you had is gone." Hardin mutters to me, his tone a tad cold.

I could sense his emotions shifting, the need to have me at his side isn't so strong. I used to be a monster, but now it appears I'm somehow worse.

"Mercy made me weak." I glare at him.

Hardin just glances over my features, so calm that it worries me.

"You know that's a lie." He whispers, reaching around me and taking the piece of cake before turning his back to me and walking away.

I felt a little hurt, and angry. I killed those men before they could kill me. What's so wrong with that?

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