Chapter 78

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"Are you sure you can handle all this?" I ask the four wolves, showing them the list.

"It's manageable." Winter assures me, while Jackson, Zed, And Beck nod.

Still, I feel somewhat guilty. There's a lot to do, a lot of travelling and work because I need things building for Apollo and the dogs that I haven't yet rescued.

"I can't believe we're going to miss your return." Winter exhales, seemingly bummed by this.

It makes me chuckle, knowing she's been looking forward to seeing me fight for months. They all have, while my bloodlust frightens them, it's also what makes me; me. I haven't exactly lived up to my personality lately.

"Stay safe, okay?" Jackson mumbles into my hair, rushing to hug me. I smile and squeeze him.

"Love you." I say softly.

"Love you more." He smiles, stepping back so Winter can have her turn.

Hardin tosses the suitcase and three duffel bags into the boot. Lucifer climbs up onto the back seats, and I sit in the passengers seat. Maddox's territory is almost a five hour drive, so we only stop to let Lucifer do his business.

While Hardin drives, I'm paying attention to my iPad. Maddox sent me everything I needed and I've spent the last two days going over everything, it's just strange that they don't attack from from any singular direction. Maddox was right about the rogues being organised, they're taking longer routes and staying out of sight so they can attack different parts of the border. Either searching for weak spots, or ensuring no one figures out their location.

Most likely both.

Even a lot of rogues have the decency to not kill pups, they usually only take them if their starving and can't find food. Which tells me they fully intent to slaughter Maddox's pack, to make them crumble from within so his men don't defend the borders properly.

It unnerves me more than I care to admit.

"We're here." Hardin announces, and I raise my head to see a huge grey mansion hidden within the thick trees. It's quite beautiful.

Slipping the iPad under my leg, I grab my phone and exit the car with Hardin and Lucifer.

Maddox inhales sharply at the sight of Lucifer.

"He's my ears, relax." I say, glancing around at the pack members that stop to stare at me, surprised a they recognise me.

"Very well." Maddox says, dropping the subject.

A couple of his wolves grab the luggage from Hardin range, and I turn my head to see one being a little rough with the duffel bags.

"Be careful with those, there's explosives inside." I warn him.

The guy freezes on the spot, eyes widening like saucers. I couldn't help but laugh at his fear.

"Perks of being human, I make a lot of my own weapons. The grenades are filled with wolfsbane, so if one goes off it'll give off a good blast, and kill the wolf in exactly twenty seven seconds." I tell him.

And then I start laughing. "I tested it on this guy the abused his mate, you should have seen his face. It was like he burned from the inside out without any fire."

Hardin nudges me slightly, and I glance up at his amused expression. Hardin finds it amusing, but every other wolf around us is staring at me like I'm truly a terrifying beast. Maybe I shouldn't brag about killing?

"My point is, your rogue problem will be over before you know it." I smile assuringly.

That seems to ease their fear slightly, and the world keeps spinning.

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