Chapter 73

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It felt like I was waiting days, in reality it had been only fourteen hours since I carried her back here. I suppose that's the joy of bringing my phone, even though every fibre of my being is begging me to call Hardin, to text him, I can't.

I can't allow distractions, not in this environment.

Finally there's movement within the tent, her breathing suddenly harsh and quick. Panic rushes through me, certain that this is it, the poison has reached her heart.

Instead, I find the child sat up, bright gold eyes flashing around in terror and panic. She's in the middle of a complete freak out, and her eyes land on me as I pause in the doorway of the tent.

"You're safe, it's ok." I try to ease her fear, despite my own. This child is no ordinary child, she's Lycan, if she turns I doubt I'll stand a chance.

Her eyes are frantic, my words going over her head. She tries to stand, only she's too weak, and she falls with a cry. I immediately reach out to help her, gently taking her arms and lifting her closer to the opening.

It's very obvious she's not used to small spaces, not like this. I should've known better than to expect her to not freak out.

"See? Home." I tell her, showing her the trees around us.

For a brief moment she seems to relax, inhaling deeply as if to check. I let her breathe, grabbing the flask of warm water and offering it to her.

She just looks at me, gold eyes utterly lost, blank almost. She has no clue, Kali. I don't even think she speaks. It makes sense, I doubt there's anyone to teach them.

"Drink." I say, showing her to open her mouth and tip the flask a little.

I offer it to her again, and this time she reaches for it. With the most curious and yet cautious glance, she inspects the metal flask.

"Drink." I repeat softly, crossing my legs in front of her as it I sit, showing her with my hands.

She glances between the flask and me, slowly lifting it and opening her mouth. The moment she realises it's water, she visibly relaxes and drinks more.

"Food?" I offer, showing her the silver packets.

She just stares ahead, at the trees. I'd consider it rude if I didn't know she's unaware of how to talk. Okay, Kalli, think. You need to communicate with this child.

Instead of words, I open up and packet of the mushy food and begin eating. The little girl immediately breathes a grunt, her golden eyes glaring at my hand as I put the bland food in my mouth and swallow.

Meeting her glare, I smile a little, offering the food to her. She takes it hesitantly, using her hand as I did to scoop the food out. I thought she'd sniff it, check it out, but she just crams it into her gob.

For a while we sit in silence, the little girl doesn't rush to flee. I don't know why, I assume she's still too weak. Even Lycans know when to rest I suppose.

But I feel her gazing at me, or rather, staring.

So I turn to face her, seeing no fear on her face. She seems...curious. I follow her stare, realising that she is looking at the scars on my arms. I suppose a short-sleeve t-shirt wasn't the best option for this weather, but it happened to be the only clean one I have left.

"Scars." I say.

The little girl tilts her head a fraction, glancing from my scars, to my face, and then she moves her hand to her stomach. I immediately feel guilt surge through me.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Where stories live. Discover now