Chapter 12

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I arrive at headquarters around half three, giving me hours to try and relax before Hardin arrives.

Yet as I pull into the garage, my eyes land on a familiar black Range Rover parked in my spot. My entire body freezes over as I realise what this means.

He's here early. He'll have smelt Apollo the second he got out of his car. It's been a long time since I felt so horrified by something.

Still, I force myself to move and get out of my car. Grabbing my phone and bag as I head into the huge mansion, my heart beating just a little faster, and my back beginning to sweat.

Just relax. You're doing this for Maddox, and then he's leaving. Right?

Jackson comes hurrying towards me, glancing behind him.

"He's already here." He whispers to me, and I get the feeling Hardin heard my car arrive too.

"I'm aware." I mutter bitterly.

"Why do smell like a brewery? And blood?" Jackson sniffs me, screwing his face up slightly.

I roll my eyes and give him a small shove. "Adds to the appeal don't you think?" I retort mockingly.

"I always thought so." A deep, VERY familiar voice echoes, sounding so beautiful that I felt my shoulders fall. As if somewhat relieved.

What is wrong with me?

"I'll be anywhere else." Jackson tells me awkwardly, heading out of the large open plan foyer.

I face Hardin with a false smile. "The sooner we sort this out, the sooner you can leave."

Hardin's silver eyes narrow slightly at my words, not liking that I don't want him here.

"That's if I can get a flight home tonight." Hardin tells me with an expression that is definitely smug, and a little amused.

Bastard. I knew he'd do this. He's probably been in Italy for a while now, or somewhere close by to get here so fast, literally in half the time.

"Kitchen." I state, already walking around him and into the large space.

It's empty, leaving just me and Hardin. Naturally I keep my eyes off him as much as possible, pulling out my phone and texting Maria to let her know the job is done.

"Maddox was being generous by allowing you so many of his trained wolves." I start, figuring Hardin is just going to stare at me.

As I turn around, Hardin is in fact staring at me, his eyes intrigued by my words and yet somewhat distracted. His large form sits at the breakfast bar, making the chairs look tiny around him. Like an adult sitting at a kindergarten table.

It's incredible painful forcing myself to remain serious.

"Trained? Maddox doesn't train his wolves to his own standards. When they arrive on pack land they match the standards that we set for the teenagers, these are men that he sends." Hardin tells me, his tone completely business like.

"If you didn't have such high standards, you wouldn't have a problem with their training level." I retort firmly.

Hardin stares at me, shaking his head slightly as his shoulders visible relax. "You still manage to annoy me."

Somehow he says it like a compliment, like he's relieved.

"Look, I know you're doing this to have some contact with me. But Maddox needs protection for his pack, and he's choosing to stick with you because he trusts you, he has respect for you." I explain, telling Hardin what he most likely already knows.

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