Chapter 7

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For weeks I train with Kade, he arrives every Monday and stays until Thursday before heading home. We don't talk, I made it clear on the first day that I need him to train me, and nothing more.

But at time goes by I begin to somewhat trust him, it builds the foundation of the bond that fathers and daughters have. It's new for both of us, and I know he tried before to make things right but I wouldn't listen.

It's been five years, and Kade and Jackson are the only two people in the world that care enough to actually help me. Even if I didn't want it, and refused. Having Kade beat the shit out of me again really put things into perspective for me.

I'll admit it, ever since I lost my wolf I've been a little lost. But now? I'm ready to start again.

"Isn't she doing great?" Jackson beams like a proud dad as I successfully tackle Kade to the mats and choke him out so fast he didn't have time to escape.

"Maddox has agreed to honour the training agreement that they never got the time to begin. I just hope Kali is prepared." Luther tells Hardin, but I hear him loud and clear.

"I might not beat him, but I'm prepared." I call out sharply, a little breathless and I finally release Kade from my death like grip.

He gasps for air, purple in the face as he just lays there incapable of doing anything except breathing. I pat his shoulder and jump to my feet.

Wiping the trickle of sweat from my forehead, I raise my fists and gesture Jackson towards me.

He swings confidently, I swiftly duck and counteract his attack, my fist colliding with his left side just under the ribs. He instantly grunts, bending a little to the left to ease the pain of the blow. So I punch his right side, and when he winces again, I lower my fists and spin on my foot. Kicking him across the face with so much force that he hits the mats hard.

"That was for setting me up." I breathe, flashing a smile before offering him my hand.

"Yeah, I deserved that." He groans, taking my hand and pushing himself up as I pull.

"We're done for today." Kade declares, grunting slightly as he gets to his feet.

"Really?" I ask, a little disappointed.

Then again he doesn't look so good, in the three months we've been training together I've definitely got better. I was a good fighter before, but without my wolf it's been harder, meaning I'm technically a lot better. If my wolf ever wakes from her dormant state, I'll be absolutely lethal.

"Gotta' heal." Kade nods, giving my shoulder a small squeeze as he passes.

"Ok." I agree, watching him leave, feeling a tad guilty for beating him so much.

"I have to admit, the guy wasn't always my favourite person but he's rubbing off on me." Jackson says quietly, leaning against me.

I couldn't help but agree with Jackson.

Maybe Kade isn't all bad.

"I have to check on Apollo." I say.

"Why do you even have that thing? Horses are dangerous-"

"As are wolves!" I call, already exiting the training room.

Jackson doesn't like Apollo, something about horses being so large and powerful that they put wolves to shame. I suppose in a way it's true. Jackson also says that I'm crazy for getting on Apollo, controlling such a large powerful animal makes Jackson weary.

I've had three months to use the training as a method of clearing my mind. It helps a lot when I think about how Hardin is getting married this month.

Part of me wonders if he even wants to marry the she-wolf, considering how long it's taking. But I guess he doesn't want to rush it, like he did with me. I'm starting to think that maybe leaving was a good thing, everyone says Hardin is happy with the she-wolf.

I haven't spoken to him, or seen him, or her for that matter. But I trust that if the Elders believe Hardin is happy, then he is, and as much as I wish I could fix things...I'm happy for him.

One thing I have done since the Christmas ball is make it perfectly clear to Dom, that anything beyond friendship will never happen. He seemed fine with it, a little upset but otherwise understanding.

For the first time in five years, I felt somewhat in control of my life, of my emotions again. I liked that feeling.

After tending to Apollo I join Jackson for dinner, noticing that Kade didn't join us. I find myself making him a plate of food up, and heading up to his room before I realise what I'm doing.

I knock on his door lightly, kind of hoping he's asleep.

"Come in!" I hear him call.

With a deep breath, I open the door and awkwardly step inside the guest bedroom. Kade is freshly showered, and his bag is on the bed already packed.

"I figured you might be hungry." I say, clearing my throat a little.

Kade seems surprised to see me bringing him dinner, but takes it out of my hands anyway.

"I am, thank you." He sounds just as awkward as I feel.

"I just...I want to thank you, for helping me...I really couldn't have done it without you." I admit to him, rocking on my heels a little out of nerves.

"Happy to help, it's the least I could do...considering." He says, giving me a small smile.

I don't have to ask what he means by 'considering', he's talking about how he and mother treated me.

"You gave me a box, and I never looked inside it. Did Hardin give it back to you?" I ask curiously, wondering what happened to it.

Kade shakes his head. "No, I can ask him though-"

"No, no it's ok. Got to break the ice at some point, right?" I flash an awkward smile.

Kade nods calmly. "Right."

Giving him a small smile, I exit the bedrooms and shut the door behind me. Instantly exhaling, shaking off the tension. Why is it so hard to have a normal conversation with my own father?

Heading back downstairs, I help Jackson clean the kitchen. It's nice to do something to normal for once.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Jackson offers as he dries the last plate, setting it on the pile.

"Only if it's a horror." I tell him, not a fan of his marvel movies.

"You know I have nightmares." He complains like a child.

Laughing, I flick some bubbles at him. "Don't be a baby." I tease.

"What about a comedy? Girls trip is supposed to be good." He offers, like he's bargaining for his life.

I just grin.

"Fine, I'll grab the snacks, you sort the movie." I say, rinsing my hands off under the hot tap.

As Jackson heads off to set the movie up, I grab the ice cream from the freezer, spoons, chocolate, crisps, and of course popcorn and fizzy pop. Gotta have options when you're watching a movie.

Not going to lie, the part when one of the women pee over the crowd, is hilarious. Disgusting, but hilarious. Jackson and I crack up laughing, especially when they're all hallucinating like crazy.

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