Chapter 69 - Part B

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"She did, I couldn't believe it. I swear to god, I've never seen a little girl so ballsy." Hardin's voice is low despite our shared laughter.

"Oh my god, I feel sorry for her mate." I breathe, catching my breath as I wipe my eyes, still chuckling.

"She's going to give him hell." Hardin smirks, in agreement with me on that.

Lotti has always been a tough little cookie, independent and strong willed. It's admirable for a girl her age, she'll make a strong warrior one day.

I lean back in my seat, my stomach so full that it's literally almost uncomfortable. Desert was a bad idea, I'd been stuffed before devouring it. Why do I do this to myself?

Tucked away in a private corner we sit and talk, about everything and nothing in particular. Even with the easy flowing talk, I could feel the growing tension, the way his eyes watch my lips as I'm talking, I only notice because I'm watching his. Perhaps it's the amount of alcohol I've consumed, usually I don't drink so I suppose three glasses of wine would affect me.

Still, doesn't change the fact that he's sitting across from me with eyes that practically melt my dress off. Fully dressed, yet I feel naked before him.

I couldn't stop staring, utterly lost in the silver orbs that hang on my every word.

"It's getting late." Hardin says some time later, and I didn't have to glance outside to know he's right.

The idea of the night coming to an end instantly makes my heart fall, I know we're going back to the hotel but the atmosphere is's perfect.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask hopefully, my heated cheeks not from his darkening lustful eyes but from being a little tipsy.

"Can you stand?" He teases.

I give an unattractive snort, pushing my chair back and standing just to prove a point. Forgetting that I'm wearing heels, my ankle twists awkwardly and I gasp, falling. Hardin is instantly on his feet, his arm slipping around my waist and securely holding me upright.

"You still can't handle your alcohol." I could hear the silent laughter in his voice.

"Can you help with me my shoes?" I mumble.

Hardin of course doesn't let me sit down, choosing to crouch down. I rest my hand on his shoulder, my pulse racing as I realise how close his head is. He's more concentrated on getting my heels off, and the feeling of his rough fingers delicately grazing my ankles as he unbuckles the straps, has me convinced that we should skip the walk and go straight to the hotel room.

"I'll get the check." Hardin straightens up, handing me my heels with a flicker of hunger in his eyes. I know how you feel.

"No, I'll get it." I frown, reaching for my purse on the table. Hardin is faster, snatching it up before I can reach.

"Gotta be faster than that, Miss Slovak." My name rolls off of his tongue like fine wine, instantly receiving a look of lust from me.

Why does he have to be so fucking sexy?

"I can pay-"

Hardin's thumb pressing against my bottom lip instantly shuts me up. The dark look in his eyes tells me he wants to do things, sinful, sexy things to my mouth.

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