hidden feelings

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"Dad" "Serene, please listen to me" My dad would always call me by my middle name when he was comforting me but I think he's just trying to get to me and I've grown from his ways. "I know what you're trying to do and it's not working so just say what you're gonna say so I can hang up the phone and never speak to you again, you're lucky I'm even giving you a chance to talk to me after what you did."

"Look Serene, I know I apologize to you and your siblings a lot and I'm going to be honest, sometimes I don't even mean half of my apologies but when I tell you I am so sorry for what I did to you I mean it, I just want you and your brother to come home, me and your mother miss you" "You should have thought about that before you did what you did" It was silent and I was about to hang up until he finally said something.

"I see you joined Damon's mafia, why?" "Because as long as I was still in yours you could still control me and I don't want anything to do with you or your mafia, I found a way out so I took it, it's bad enough I still have to keep your mafia tattoo on my arm" "you hate me that much?" "yes" I quickly hang up the phone before he says something else and then I throw my phone across the room out of anger. Eli walks in and gives me a confused look.

"What's your problem?" He asks. "Nothing, just threw my phone to let anger out" He walks over to my bed and sits beside me. "Talk to me, what's wrong?" I didn't wanna talk about my stupid, idiotic dad but Eli left me no choice. When he looks at me like that..I can't help but listen to anything he says.

"I hate my dad, he beat me over a flash drive and I can't say I never thought he would do something like that but he called asking for me and my brother to come back and I can't believe he would even contact me after what he did and he knows what he did was wrong because he gave me another one of his sorry fucking apologies."

"I get where you're coming from, I hate my dad because he did...horrible things to me and my siblings but we don't have to talk about that, this is about you not me" "What do you mean horrible things, at least he didn't try to kill you like my dad, or did he..?" "Let's just drop the conversation, I need to check on the food" "Eli you always want me to talk to you so talk to me" "drop it, V" He gets up and walks to the kitchen and I follow behind him. "Eli-" "DROP IT VENUS!" 

I stand there in shock. His voice echoed throughout the house. I walk back to my room and slam the door shut behind me. Why would he get mad at me? I was trying to help him, it's not fair that he always wants me to talk about my feeling but as soon as I tell him to talk about his he yells at me. 

"V...I didn't mean to yell at you like that" He says softly through the other side of the door. I get up and open the door and his body hovers over mine so that our eyes meet as soon as the door opens. "I'm sorry for even asking, I should have just left it alone when you said to, I always do this, I always over do it and-"

I feel his lips connect with mine and his hands around my waist. I can't help but kiss him back as I put my arms around his neck. We pull away from each other not breaking the eye contact. "I forgive you Venus, now come eat" He takes his hand off of my waist and I unwrap my arms from around his neck. 

He goes to the kitchen and I follow behind him. When we got to the table two plates were set out and we both had orange juice. "Thanks for the breakfast" "don't even worry about it." We ate in silence while we both thought about the kiss that just happened. "After the meeting we're going back home so you might wanna pack all your things back in your suitcase before we leave." Eli tells me after we're done eating. "Ok" I go to my room and pack all my clothes and some other things I brought.

A few hours later

"V, are you ready to go?" "Yeah" I grabbed my purse and we headed out the door.

Venus Sereneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن