business trip

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It's been four months since I've joined Damon's mafia and he hasn't let me rest yet. He doesn't even send Elijah, Kaylin, or Leo on this many missions. I get back and my curls are drenched in water along with the rest of my body. I slam the front door causing everyone from the living room to turn my way. "What happened to you?" He asks.

"You ask me that like you didn't send me to a fucking aquarium." I walk up the stairs and to my room. I take those clothes off and hop in the shower. As I'm about to get out the shower I hear someone in my room. I open the bathroom door and I see Elijah with a basket of clothes. "Sorry, your clothes were done drying so I brung them up here" "Oh, thank you" I come out the bathroom fully and he fully analyzes my body, not realizing that he's doing it. "Elijah..?" "Oh yeah, sorry, um..bye" He closes my door as he walks out.

I put my pajamas on which were a pair of gray shorts and a tank top. I knock on Damon's office door and he doesn't say anything so I just go in. I see him sitting at his desk with a pile of papers in front of him. "Damon, you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, just tired" He says while dozing off. "Why don't you finish this work or whatever you're doing tomorrow?" "I can't, it's important" "I'm pretty sure it can wait until tomorrow, Damon" "Yeah, you're right, he gets up out of his chair and then I walk behind him as we leave his office. 

I follow him to his room and then stop at his door. "Are you gonna be ok?" I ask him. "Yeah, nothing serious, just tired" "Ok, goodnight Damon" "goodnight, V" He closes his door and then I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

All the lights were off so I couldn't see anything except for the light that came through the curtains from the moon. I opened the cabinet and got a cup and then turned the sink on. I watched as the water filled the cup up and then I turned the sink off. When I turned around I thought I saw someone but then the figure disappeared.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat at the island. I looked on instagram and saw that my dad posted something on his story. I clicked on his profile and it was just a picture of him and mom at a fancy restaurant. 

"Nice to know he doesn't give a shit about where his kids are." I look up from my phone and see a figure. I screamed quite loudly, it probably woke up the whole house. The kitchen lights turned on and I saw that it was just Elijah. 

"What the scared the shit out of me" "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to" "it's fine" A few seconds later Damon, La'Harmony, Leo, and Kaylin come downstairs. 

"Who screamed?" La'Harmony asks. "Eli scared me and I screamed, didn't mean to wake you guys up." 

They all groan as they walk back up stairs. I watch as Eli fixes a bowl of cereal and then sits down right in front of me. "You eat cereal this late at night?" "You drink water while talking shit about your dad this late at night?" "First of all I wasn't talking shit" "do your parents even know that you joined another mafia?" "No, I would like to leave it that way too."

"Why did you want to leave your dad's mafia so bad?" "Because I couldn't stand taking orders from my dad and as long as I stayed in his mafia that's all I would be doing, I rather take orders from Damon than my dad and Damon is so fucking annoying, he sends me on the most bullshit missions."

"He did that to me too, the first two months of working for him he sent me on extreme missions back to back, no rest, twenty four seven and I'm his brother" "why the fuck does he do that?" "I guess he's trying to test your loyalty" "do you think he's over the flash drive situation?" "No, but I am because I trust you and if you say nobody can find it then I believe you" "thanks, your secrets are perfectly safe" I rinse my cup out, dry it and then put it back in the cabinet. Eli finishes his cereal and he gets up and puts his bowl in the sink.

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