good times never end well

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"Venus, why the fuck would you do some shit like that!" My dad yells at me. "Dad-" "Venus, do you know the situation you have put me in, the Elianos are gonna wanna come after me and your mother because you killed their daughter!"

I was sitting at my parents house with Eli and Damon and my dad was yelling at me the whole time while my mom was just sitting on the other couch frustrated. "Dad, they don't even know who killed her yet."

"They are going to find out Venus, have you met the Elianos! They already wanted to press charges on you for hitting her with the heel of your shoe and now you just murdered her!!"

"God, Venus, you don't fucking think before you do shit!" My dad called Eli and Damon over only because he needed them to help him come up with a plan. "I thought long and hard about it before I killed her."

"Venus, get the fuck out of my face" "gladly" I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen. I sit down in one of the chairs. Eli comes into the kitchen a few minutes later and sits down beside me. "Amore" "what, Eli" I say frustrated. "I know you love me, you don't have to kill people to show me."

"You say that but if my ex came up and kissed me right in front of you then I'm pretty sure you would kill him 0.2 seconds after he kissed me" "the sad part is that you're right, but that's just how I am, V" He puts his finger on my face and turns my head towards him. He plants a kiss on my cheek. "Guess that's just how I am too."

A few hours later after my dad finally got done yelling at me we went back home. When I got there me and Eli went up to his room and laid down on the bed. "Eli, what's the worst that could happen?" "Either you go to mafia jail which they won't be able to keep you in there cause we'll just bail you out or the Elianos will find out you did it and kill everyone you love."

"Well, might as well enjoy my family while I still can" "don't say that, amore, they're not gonna find out, you never leave any evidence behind when you kill someone" "but everyone has been saying that they'll eventually find out who it was, and what if they suspect it's me anyway since I'm the one who hit her with my shoe in the first place."

"Let's not worry about things we can't control until we can actually control them, ok?" "Alright, I'm surprised Damon even agreed to talk to my dad, they hate each other" "yeah well, it was to help you so that's the only reason."

I stay quiet for a minute until he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. "Amore, everything is gonna be ok, I promise." I nod my head. Just as he was about to kiss me, Leo bursts into the room. "Have you ever heard of knocking!"  "Bro, me and Kaylin just got the best idea, meet us downstairs with everyone else!" He then leaves the room and closes the door.

"Should we go?" Eli asks. "Yeah, if we don't he's gonna drag us down there" We both get off of the bed and go downstairs where everyone was already in the living room. "I swear if this is stupid I'm slapping both of you" I say as I sit down. 

"It's not, we promise, so when is the last time any of you street raced?" Kaylin asks us. "I've never street raced." We all turn our heads towards La'Harmony. "You've never street raced?" I ask her. 

"No, who the fuck just decides to street race?" "Ok, well, you'll love it La'Harmony, but we're not street racing this time, we didn't get the roads blocked off so instead we're going to the race track that me and Kaylin personally own."

"We haven't been to that race track in years" Damon says. "So are you all down?" Kaylin asks.  "I'm not racing while pregnant so I'll be the starter" We all agree and then we go outside to get in our sports cars.

I followed them to the race track and when we got there it was a huge stadium with a race track. We all get out of our cars once we park on the race track in the order that we're going. "Alright, whoever wins gets one hundred million dollars." Leo says.

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now