Christmas wish

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We were on the plane on our way back to Italy on Christmas Eve day. I found out that Layla was gonna be coming down with his aunt, uncle, and two of his cousins because they took her in when her parents died so she didn't really have a choice but to come. 

As long as she doesn't try anything with Eli I don't care that she's coming.

Matteo, Willow, and his wife were coming too but I was just happy that I was gonna get to see Willow. 

The plane landed and surprisingly I wasn't sleeping. We got off the plane and got in our cars so we could go home. "Are your mom and sisters coming over for Christmas?" Eli asks me. "No, I asked and they said that they were going to Paris so they could see her side of the family for Christmas this year" "that's nice."

As we were driving we noticed that it was starting to snow. It came down slowly at first but then it just got faster. "Didn't think it would snow this year" Eli says. "Me neither, the last time it snowed in Italy was in 2018."

"Yeah, and that was a while back" We pulled up to the house, and before we got out we both put our hoods on. We all quickly got into the house and Scotty ran up to Kameron and Chelsea and hugged them tightly. 

Summer came around the corner with Kobe in her hand and Jupiter grabbed him. We then all go upstairs so we could put our things in our room. I take my jacket off and hang it on the closet door instead of inside the closet because it was still wet from the snow. 

The doorbell rang so Eli went out of the room to go see who it was. I sat down on the bed and I realized that it was my first Christmas without my dad. Christmas was one of the Holidays where he was the nicest man on earth. The Christmas spirit would change his whole personality. 

Tears started to escape my eyes as I thought about not seeing him today or tomorrow. "Amore they're here- baby, what's wrong?" He walks over to me and hugs me. "I'm just gonna miss my dad this year but I'm ok." He stopped hugging me and wiped my tears.

"I know, I'm gonna miss my mom this year too..but something that helped me was remembering what my mom told me. People only die when you forget them, if you can remember them they will always be with you." I nod my head and then he hugs me again. "I know it hurts but you're gonna get through this, I promise, and you're not alone, you can cry however long you need to and I'll be here the whole time."

"No, I'm ok now" "Are you sure?" "Yeah" I lift my head off of his chest. "I love you, Venus. I always will" "I'll always love you too."

I wipe the rest of my tears and when we go downstairs almost everyone was there. "Venus!" Willow runs over to me and hugs me. "I literally missed you so much" "I missed you too" I look up and see Layla looking at me but I ignore her and get the door when the doorbell rings again. 

"Hey, Tierra!" She comes in and hugs me. She had a lot of presents in her hand. "Hey!" She sees Willow and lets go of me to hug her. I take the presents from her and I put them under the tree with the rest. "Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of my family" Eli says. 

"Ok" He walks me over to a guy that was the same height as Eli but had different features from him. "This is my uncle Aaron, and this is my girlfriend, Venus" "it's nice to finally meet you, Venus" "You too." He shakes my hand. 

"Be prepared for who you're about to meet next" "why?" "Because they're twin girls and they are very extra" we walked up to them and they looked exactly the same. "This is Heaven and this is Nevaeh, my cousins, and this is-" He pointed to each of them as he said their name but then Heaven interrupted him. "Wait, is this your girlfriend?" 

"Yes-" "no way!" "You're literally so pretty!" Eli looks at them and shakes his head in an annoyed way. "Thank you." I say.

We all heard a loud noise come from outside In the backyard so we went out there to find out that it was only one of the men working on the roof of the house who dropped one of his tools on the toolbox. 

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