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"Amore, you need to go to the hospital, your wound has been bleeding since the day she stabbed you" "I'm fine."

"Venus, what's going on with you?" I was about to ignore his question and walk out of the room because he's been asking me that for a week now and I don't know how to tell him what's really going on. "No, you're not walking away from me again. Venus, you've been acting like this for a week now, ignoring my questions, not eating, pushing everyone away. You know how I feel about you not talking to me."

I want to tell him what happened but I feel like he would hate me if he knew what happened. He might think I let them do it but I didn't. I tried everything to fight them off but I couldn't because I was tied up and they were holding me down.

They were stronger than me and there was nothing I could do about it. Maybe he'll think I'm weak for letting it happen. I don't know what he'll think but I can't risk pushing him away. "See, you're ignoring me right now. Venus, if something happened...then you can tell me, I promise I'll listen, I always do."

"If I tell you what happened you might leave" "I won't, no matter what you tell me, I won't."

I sighed and tried to hold back the tears that were about to come out but it didn't work. I broke down crying and Eli immediately wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. "I tried to stop them, Eli. They were stronger than me and there was nothing I could do."

"I know, baby" I didn't have to further explain to him what happened because he already knew what I was talking about. "Venus, baby, look at me" "no."

He lifts my head up so that our eyes would meet. "Venus, none of this is your fault" "Yes it is" "not it's not, I don't want to hear you say that again, ok?" "Ok" He wipes my tears and then lays my head down on his chest. "I'm gonna make them pay for what they did, Venus. I promise."

I cried on his chest for an hour, everything happened at once in one day and I tried so hard to hold my tears in but I couldn't anymore. I've been strong for so long but I'm tired of holding my emotions in. It's overwhelming and it makes everything hurt worse.

I held onto Eli tight and he held on to me tight. "Baby" "yes" "you need to eat, you haven't eaten anything today besides one pancake" "I'm not-" "and before you say you're not hungry you're gonna eat anyway because what you're doing is not healthy. What do you want to eat?"

"Don't know" "Alright, I'm gonna go get something to eat, do you want to come with me or stay here" "stay here" "you sure?" "Yes" "ok." He stands up with me in his arms and walks over to the bed and puts me down. "Are you positive you don't want to come?" "Eli, go" "alright, I'll be back in twenty minutes or less" He kisses me before he walks out the room door.

When he leaves I try to get some rest but of course, my phone interrupts me. I picked it up off the nightstand and saw it was Angelo. I sigh and answer the phone. "What, Angelo" "I may have let you and your family go but I still want the flash drive" "why do you need a flash drive that has absolutely nothing to do with you..?" "That's none of your business, give it to me or else" "Or else what, Angelo? You gonna kill my whole family this time?" 

"I-" "I don't care, you're not getting the flash drive and if you're not scared of me now you definitely will be if you touch anyone I care about again." I hang up the phone and forcefully put it back on the nightstand. 

I drifted off to sleep for a little until the front door opening woke me up and a few seconds later Eli appeared at the room door. "Amore, are you woke?" "Mhm" "come eat" "Eli, I'm tired, I'll eat later" He takes his shoes off and then gets into the bed with me. "Venus" "Eli, I promise I'll eat when I wake up" "ti amore cosi tanto, Venere" (I love you so much, Venus.)

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now