Bad news

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Alex had calmed down from crying after two hours but I let her cry on my shoulder because I knew how it felt to get cheated on after you trusted someone. Alex had fell asleep and everyone else had to leave because of a mission but I chose to stay with her so she didn't have to be alone when she woke up.

"Venus.." She says as she wakes up. "Yeah, I'm still here" "you don't have to stay, I'm fine alone" "I don't want to leave you by yourself" "I know but I kind of want to be alone right now anyway" "you sure?" "Yeah."

"Alex, promise you'll call me if you need anything" "I promise" "ok, I love you" "I love you too."

I got off of Alex's bed and then left her house and went home.

When I got there I called Eli's name but he didn't answer so I assumed he was sleep because he always answers. I walked upstairs and sure enough he was sleep but not peacefully. He was moving around a lot and his breathing was fast and heavy. "Eli, Eli, baby, wake up."

When I touched his arm he jumped and his fist went across my face. "Shit, Eli!" I say, covering the part of my face he hit. 

"Amore, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" He quickly got out of bed and ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me while looking at my face. "Venus, I swear I didn't mean to hit you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, amore."

"Eli, it was an accident, it's ok" "it's not ok, your face is red" "Eli-" "I'm gonna go get you an icepack" He left the room and I heard him going down the stairs. I know it was an accident. He was having a nightmare and I scared him but now he's gonna be apologizing all night.

Eli came back into the room with an icepack in his hand and sat me down on the couch. "Are you ok?" "I'm fine, Eli" I was sitting down on his lap with his hand tightly gripped around my waist while he was holding the icepack up to my face. 

It got quiet so I decided to ask him what he was dreaming about that scared him so bad. "Eli, what were you dreaming about?" "How'd you know I was dreaming?" "Because, you were breathing fast and moving around a lot."

"I don't know how to explain it" "explain it the best you can and I'll try to understand, if you want to" He sighed before he started talking.  "It was the worst trauma I've had ever since I was little to now."

"First it was me witnessing my dad continuously hit Yulani harder and harder because she dropped a glass plate and it broke and then it went to when I saw my mom die and then to when I first found out you got kidnapped and I had to relive that feeling again...and the scenes kept getting worse."

"Is that your first time having that dream?" I ask him. "No, I've been having that dream ever since the day you saved me from drowning and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Venus, you know I would never intentionally hurt you, right?" "I know, Eli. I know it was an accident" "I'm sorry" "I forgive you, I promise." 

I put my hand around his wrist, removing the ice pack from my face and then I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. 

The next day

"Ms." One of my new assistants says unsure of what to call me. "Romero" I tell him. "Ms. Romero, you have a visitor" "who?" "Ms. Cortez, your mother" "the guards let her in, right?" "Yes ma'am, she's on her way up now" "ok, thank you for letting me know" "no problem."

I had to get more than one assistant because I've recently had a lot more work and business going on and there was too much work for one assistant so I got two more. He left my office and my mom came in. "Hey mom, I didn't know you were coming here today" "well, I figured this was the best time to talk..if you're not busy" "I'm not, what's wrong?"

"Venus, I have to tell you something and it's not good news" "mom, you're scaring me" "I really don't know how to tell you this" I could tell she was trying to hold in her tears. "Mom.." I stood up and I grabbed her arm, walking her over to my couch.

"I feel selfish for telling you this right now but I don't know how much time I have left and you need to know" "mom, what are you talking about? Is someone after you?" "No, nothing like that."

I sat there and waited for her to tell me what she needed to tell me. I could tell it was bad because she had to take a couple breaths. "The doctors found five untreatable tumors in my brain and they're only growing" "m-mom, what do you mean untreatable..?" "It means I'm dying, Venus, and there's nothing the doctors can do. I know what you're thinking and no I'm not lying about me dying, I'm not in a situation like your dad was in. I'm really dying, Venus."

I didn't know what to do or think. All I could think is that my mom is dying and I don't know how much time she has left. She's dying and there's nothing me or anyone can do about it. I don't know how to live without her. She's been with me my whole life and I don't know what I'm going to do without her. 

"It's ok, you can cry, Venus" I hadn't realized I was holding in my tears because all I could do was think about what I was going to do when she was gone. I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come out. "Do Kam and Ju know yet?" I say, my voice was low and raspy.

"No, honey, you're the first one I've told and I don't plan on telling the twins" "why not?" "Because you know them, they won't cherish the present, they won't cherish me still being here they'll just keep stressing over how much time I have left and I don't want that for them. I also don't want them to remember me like that, I want them to remember me as a happy mother who loved her kids."

"Yeah, I know" "come here, sweetheart" She held her arms out and I scooted closer to her as she brought me in for a hug and I laid my head down on her shoulder. "I don't want you to be here by yourself when I leave, you should call Elijah" "he's busy, I don't want to bother him because I know if I do call him he's gonna drop everything he's doing and come to me and I don't want him to have to do that."

"Call him, honey" I sighed before I picked up my phone and called him. "Hey, are you busy?" "Not if you need me" "can you come to my office?" "I'm on the way" "I didn't even tell you why yet" "you don't need to, amore. Are you ok?" "I'm fine..I just really need you right now." I say as I burst into tears. "I'm coming, baby" "ok." I say, still crying. 

I hung up and my mom hugged me tighter. "I know, honey. It's gonna be alright. I love you so much" "I love you too. I don't wanna lose you, mom" "and you won't, sweetheart. As long as you keep my name alive I'll always be with you. Always."

I wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her tighter than I've ever hugged her. "Please don't go, mom. I need you" "I'm not gone yet and as long I'm still here I'm gonna cherish every moment I have with you, I promise."

After a while I calmed down but tears were still rolling down my face. "I used to doubt Eli because of his past but I forget some people can actually change because I've been with your father for so long. I was hoping he'd change one day which he has but I just wish he did it a lot earlier when I was still in love with him" "yeah, I know."

When my mom's phone started ringing she picked it up. I couldn't hear who it was or what they were saying but it was probably just mafia business. When she hung up I could tell she needed to leave but didn't want to leave me alone. "It's fine, mom, you can go" "are you sure?" "Yeah, Eli will be here soon" "ok, I love you" "I love you too." I let go of her and then she got off of the couch and left.

A few tears were rolling down my face when Eli came into the room and gently shut the door. He walked over to the couch and hugged me. "What's wrong, amore?" He asks with sympathy in his voice. "My mom...she has cancer and it's untreatable, she's dying."

"I'm so sorry, baby" He hugged me tighter as I started crying again. 


Sorry for the sad chapter and also sorry for taking so long to upload a new chapter. School started and I've just been really busy but I'm gonna try to be more productive.

Until next time <<333

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now