All things gone wrong

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"Eli, what do you mean the Russians are HERE?" "I don't have time to explain, we have to get back to the car" He grabs my wrist and we start running towards the car. Once we get in Eli quickly drives off. "You didn't even get what we came here for" "the doctor said it was dislocated I'll just put it back in place" 

"You said the Russians were back, why would they raid the mafia hospital?" "Because this is Italy and they hate all mafias that are Italian so they're slowly wiping all of Italy's mafias out one by one, starting with the hospital" "Damon's house could be next" "yes but we're going to be the last people they try to erase because they know that Damon's mafia is strong so they need to be extra prepared and that gives us time to leave."

"Leave?" "Yes, amore, we have to leave, if we don't we'll just get killed along with everyone else we love" I sigh, rubbing my forehead, looking out the window as we speed pass red lights and stop signs trying to get to the house quickly. 

We get to the house and Eli opens the passenger side of the door for me and I get out grabbing his hand. No matter the situation he always finds time to open the car door for me. "Damon!" I yell, panic in my voice. 

"He's in the conference room having a meeting right now with Domenico" Enzo tells us. "Thank you" We run up the stairs and into the conference room where he and Domenico are sitting across from each other with a bunch of papers in his hands. "Damon" I say out of breath. "Can you not see me talking to someone about something very important" We ignore him and sit down at the table.

"Damon, the Russians are here, we were at the hospital because I dislocated my wrist-" He stops mid sentence and pops his wrist back into place without even flinching or letting out any sign of pain and then continues talking. 

"And the Russians, they invaded the hospital killing all the nurses and basically every worker in there, they're coming for all of Italy's mafias and we're going to be next if we don't leave, Damon" Domenico and Damon look at each other, both have emotionless expressions but deep down they're probably just as worried as we are. "Spain is probably next" Domenico says quietly. "They're wiping all of us out, one by one." I say.

"Call everyone in here" Damon demands. Enzo quickly walks out and comes back with Jupiter, Kameron, since he was here talking to Jupiter about something, La'Harmony, Leo, and Kaylin, Iris and Carmen were also here today. "What's the meeting about?" Carmen asks confused. They all take a seat around the long table. "Eli can explain since he's the one who saw it all happen.

"Everyone looks at Eli. "I went to the hospital because V dislocated my wrist but as I was getting my wrist checked I heard gunshots and I was trying to get back to Venus but there were too many Russians so I hid in the room, one Russian came in there so I had to shoot him but we had to wait until they cleared out and then V found me and we left, I think the Russians are here and they're wiping out every mafia in Italy, and then Spain, and then America..."

"So we have to flee the country, right?" Kam says disappointed. "Unfortunately yes, if we don't we're going to die, we're not strong enough" Domenico says. "How did the Russians get stronger than us, when I was little my dad said all of Italys mafias were the strongest mafias in the world and that Russia and all the other ones were weak" "and he wasn't lying but over the past few years I guess they got tired of being the weakest so they became the strongest, we don't know how though" Domenico explains. "They would have to be fools to raid Damon's house though" Iris says.

"Yeah, that was back then" Damon says quietly. He forcefully stands up out of his chair and walks out of the room. "I'll go talk to him" Eli says before getting up and walking out of the room too. Domenico pulls out a paper that had my name on the back of it and then flips it over to reveal the picture I drew at the last meeting. "Venus, I think this is just the plan we need, you might have saved us all" "wait, what?" I ask confused.

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