City of love

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The next day

We had arrived in Paris and already got to the house last night but we didn't do anything because we were tired and it was three in the morning.

"Good morning, baby" He says as he kisses me. "Good morning." We both lay in the bed for a few minutes talking before we get up and get ready to go get breakfast. I put on black low waisted cargo pants with a black crop top and my black and red Jordans. 

While I was struggling to put on a necklace by the mirror Eli came behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. "Can you put this on for me?" He grabs the necklace and I move my hair out of the way so he could put it on. "Thank you" "you're welcome, you ready?" "Mhm" "ok, let's go."

We got in the car and he drove off. We arrived at a small restaurant and sat down at a table. "What are you gonna get?" He asks me. "French toast and orange juice" "out of everything on the menu you're gonna get French toast" "yes, I've tried French toast in a lot of places and now I have to try it in Paris." I tell him just as the waiter walks up to our table.

"Hello, what can I get for you guys today?" "She'll have French toast with orange juice and I'll have the same thing" "ok, is that all for you guys today?" "Yes" "ok, we'll have your food out to you guys as soon as we can." She says and then walks away.

"You wanna be like me so bad" I say. "I can't get French toast now?" "You only got it because I got it and you were just saying how there were much better things than French toast on the menu" "I changed my mind" "ok, Eli" "I love you" He says as he grabs my hand. "I love you too."

A few minutes later she came back with two plates and two drinks on a tray and set them down on the table. "Enjoy" She says with a big smile on her face. She walked away and then we started eating. "Where do you wanna go after we eat?" He asks me. "It doesn't matter" "I know a place, you're gonna love it" "you've been to Paris before?" "Plenty of times" "why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because you wanted to come here and if I would have told you I've already been here you would have changed your mind and I wanted to come here with you" "that's fair."

We finished eating and then we got back in the car. "So where are we going?" "You'll see when we get there." He drove for a while until we got to a parking lot. He got out the car and opened the door for me. "We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way" He grabs my hand and holds it as we walk.

We got to a river and walked along the side of it until we got to a place that was surrounded by trees and had a temple in the middle. Nobody was here so it was quiet and when I looked up I saw a rainbow. "You never disappoint" "my mom used to come here with me whenever we would visit Paris so I wanted to bring you here."

I smile and then turn around to kiss him. We saw a bench so we sat down there and I sat on his lap. "There's no other place I'd rather be right now" I tell him. "Me neither." We sat there and talked while enjoying the view. "Is the rainbow a paid actor?" "Yes" He says, laughing. 

After about forty minutes we got up to walk around the city. We ended up stopping at the cinema to watch a movie. It was a long line so we waited for a while but we finally got in and it was huge. We went up to the second floor and sat down just as the movie started. 

The movie was about a girl who was abused by her uncle that she lived with since her parents were killed by some unknown people but then she found out her parents could still be alive so she ran away from her uncle to find them and then met this boy on her journey and they ended up falling in love in the end and she never found her parents which made the movie a whole waste of fucking time.

"That movie was terrible, they left so many things unexplained and why would they make her go on a journey to find her parents if she was never gonna find her parents? They made the whole plot about that for half of the movie and then just randomly switched it to her finding true love in the end." I tell Eli.

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