The Germans

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It was the next day and Leo was still mad. He didn't come eat breakfast with us or even associate with any of us at all. He mostly stayed in his room all day and only came out to get something to drink from the fridge.

Eli comes back in the room from the gym. He climbs on top of me and starts kissing me everywhere. "As much as I enjoy your kisses I'm gonna need you to get off of me, you're sweaty" "but I missed you" "we were apart for an hour in the same house, Eli" "so you didn't miss me?" "No." He gets off of me and walks into the bathroom without saying a word.

"Eli, I was joking" I don't get a response so I walk into the bathroom where he was getting undressed to get into the shower. "Of course I missed you" I try to kiss him but he pushes me back. "I'm sweaty, remember?"

"Eli, come on" he ignores me and hops in the shower. He looks at me through the glass and smiles. I flip him off and then walk out the bathroom.

The house was surprisingly quiet. Usually you hear Damon yelling at people, Leo and Kaylin yelling at each other over a game, guards moving around the house, and the house is just naturally loud.

"Well get the fuck out of my office until you find out then, Enzo!" Never mind, there it is. Enzo walks out of his office completely unfazed by Damon's yelling. I think he's gotten used to it by now. "I wouldn't go in there, Damon's having a bad day." Enzo says as I walk up to his office door.

"Yeah I can tell, I'll be fine" Enzo nods his head and walks down the stairs. I open his office door and walk in. "Damon, why the hell are you yelling at him? He didn't do shit to you" "he wasted my time, that's what he did" "why are you so mad today?" "Because nobody is fucking listening today!"

"Yell at me again and I will dislocate every bone in your fucking body, Damon" "sorry, looks like I'm not the only one with anger issues around here" I sit down in a chair in front of his desk. "If you can talk to me without raising your voice I might be willing to hear you out, what's wrong?"

"I'm trying to get a new hq built but these people are very bad with simple fucking instructions. I told them to not build it in the same spot and that's exactly what they did. I told them to tear it down and move it and they sat there and told me that they weren't gonna do it."

"So just threaten them" "Venus, you know I did and they told me to go to hell" "so actually go through with the threat" "I can't or every man would be dead and I need workers" "kill one of them and then all of them will tear it down in under five seconds."

"Good idea" "I know" "how's yours going?" "Currently have five headquarters being rebuilt even though my dad only had two but extra security and stuff like that. I also have over three thousand new recruits coming in and some of them are in training but they're doing well."

"Venus, what's your secret?" "No secret, just skill, anyways, have a good rest of your day" I walk out of his office and downstairs to see what everyone was doing. It seemed like everybody was in their room except for Leo. "Hey, Leo..." He looks at me and the back at his phone.

"What do you want, V?" He says annoyed with me. "Why are you still mad over what La'Harmony said?" "You wouldn't get it because your life is just so prefect" "you really think my life is perfect, Leo?" "Yes" "you must not know what perfect is. You're being a bitch to people who didn't do shit to you."

He stares at me and I stare at him. "If you have something you want to say then say it, Leo" "Venus, I don't know why you try to act like you're so tough but in reality as soon as something hits a little too close to home you break."

"You're more likely to break before me because all you do is hide every emotion in you except for anger and anger doesn't really look good on you. No wonder La'Harmony wouldn't go out with you. Not because of your looks but because you're just a bitch and I don't think going for your best friend's pregnant ex girlfriend is the way to go."

Venus Sereneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें