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I was in the bathroom of the bedroom looking at the baby bump that was growing but you couldn't tell unless you pulled my shirt up which was good because I didn't want to tell anyone yet until I knew there weren't gonna be any complications and Eli agreed. 

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom. One problem after another is all my life is. I laid on the bed and looked at Eli who was sitting on the couch. When he looked up at me I looked away. 

I didn't wanna be around him right now so I left the room and went outside to the back and sat on a couch to get some air.

"Alright, what's going on? You've been acting weird since we got to the airport?" Jupiter says as he sits down beside me on the couch outside. "Nothing" I say as the tears I was holding in start to fall. He wrapped his arms around me and comforted me. "Dimmi cosa c' è che non va, amore" (tell me what's wrong, love) "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Jupiter" "I know, it's gonna be ok" "if I tell you something can you promise not to tell anyone else" "I won't, I promise."

"Early this morning at around four Jasmin called me" "why?" "She told me to meet her in town because she had something she needed to tell me and she couldn't hide it anymore so I went to meet her" "and what happened?" "She told me that...I have a daughter" "Venus, how is that even possible?" "She was a spy in the Russian base and she told me that they were experimenting on recruits." 

"What kind of experiments?" "To create more humans like me" "and she told you this?" "Yeah" "and you believed her? You know she'll do anything to get back close with you, Venus" "that's what I thought too until I saw her" "saw who?" "are you even listening? My daughter. She looked exactly like me. My hair, my eyes, all of my features and there was also a file with information about me in it that couldn't have possibly been fake because it had their mafia symbol and their code stamped on it in a bold print only they have."

"That makes sense but why would they want to make more people like you?" "I don't know. Something about my skill level and my level of intelligence or something I don't know but I'm pretty sure we need to stop them before something goes completely wrong. If the Russians had my DNA then they had all of our DNA'S, Jupiter. I don't think this is gonna turn out good. They don't even know that Sariyah is the closest thing they have to me because Jasmine burned the file with my DNA code in it and then when they found out she was a spy and let her go she got rid of anything that could trace anything back to Jasmine, Sariyah or me."

"And Sariyah is your daughter?" "Yes" "how does she know there's not more copies of your DNA?" "She doesn't" "Venus, this isn't good. How are they trying to make more people like you if they don't even have your DNA anymore and didn't know they had it in the first place?" "I don't know, I guess that's what the experiment was. They were trying to create people like me without mine or anyone's DNA from the Cortez family" "so what are we supposed to do about this?" "Nothing, there's nothing we can do and now I don't know how to tell Eli. He's already mad at me because he woke up when I was out and I wouldn't tell him where I was."

"Why didn't you just lie?" "Because I didn't want to lie to him and technically I didn't" "Venus, you should just tell him the truth, hiding it from him is just gonna make things worse" "it's already worse. We had an argument in the car on the way here and he openly admitted to not trusting me because I wouldn't tell him where I was" "Which is why you should just tell him. It'll fix everything" "no it won't. He just said he didn't trust me when he said he trusted me more than anything and anyone just a couple months ago" "maybe he was just talking out of anger" "who knows" "talk to him, Venus."

"Yeah" "do you want me to stay or are you ok by yourself?" "I'm fine" "you sure?" "Yeah" "ok" He rubbed my back before he got off the couch and went back inside.

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now