Mafia ball

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"You're going to the mafia ball with Eli, right?" Carmen asks me. I was sitting outside by the pool looking at my phone. "Yes, who are you going with?" "A friend" "have I met this friend before?" "No, no one has" "how long have you guys been friends?" "Five years."

"And you haven't introduced us to him yet?" "just been waiting for the right time" "is he a friend or a boyfriend?" "Ok, he's my boyfriend, don't be mad at me for not telling you" "I'm not mad" "you're not?" "No, if you didn't wanna tell us yet then it was for a reason, take your time."

I see Eli come through the front door. "But don't take too long" I pat her shoulder as I walk in the house towards Eli. "Hey baby" I say as I kiss him. "Hey, amore" "how was the meeting?" "Boring, just like always, did you eat?"

"Yes, I ate" "good" he walks pass me and goes upstairs. "You're coming with us" Carmen says as she grabs my hand. Harmony, Iris, and Yulani were behind her. "Where are we going?" "You'll see when we get there" "she's not telling any of us" Yulani says rolling her eyes.

We follow behind her and get in her car.

"Carmen, just tell us where we're going" "dress shopping for the mafia ball" "I'm not going" Harmony says. "You don't have to have a date to go, La'Harmony" I say "you're only saying that because you have a date but if you were in my situation you wouldn't be going either."

"You're right, I don't like going to the mafia balls but not because I don't have a date its because I used to have to go with my parents and it brought so much attention to me and my siblings because my parents were popular and it was so annoying."

"You know it's gonna be even worse if you're going with Eli" "of course it is" We pull up to a nice store and it had a lot of pretty dresses in the display window. "The theme is red and black this year" Carmen says.

"How'd you find out so soon?" I ask. "My dad's friend hosts them so I get all the details early because my dad tells me" "lucky you" Yulani says.

We walk into the store and there were very few people in there. There were so many dresses in so many colors and different fabrics. Some were short, some were long and some were medium length.

"Do you know who's gonna be giving the speech at the ball?" I ask Carmen. "That I do not know, most likely your mom" "she gives the speech every year though" "that's why I said your mom" "wouldn't they choose someone different after five years?" "I don't know, we'll see this year."

"Hello ladies, is there anything I can help you guys with today?" A lady with black straight hair and brown eyes came up to us with a smile on her face. "We're looking for something really fancy with red or black or both." Iris tells her.

"Ok, right this way" We follow her to the middle of the store and there was huge selection of red and black. "Here you go, let me know if you need anything else" "thank you so much" Carmen says. "Of course."

We look through the selection of dresses for about two hours. "These dresses are pretty but they're not magnificent" I say. "Yeah I know, let's go somewhere else" Yulani says.

We get back in the car and go to another store. The store looked like the last one but it had way more options. "Oh my god, I think I found the dress I'm gonna wear" Iris says. She pulls out a sparkly dress that was all red. One part was sleeveless and the other part was long sleeve and it had a slit at the bottom. 

"That's so pretty!" I say. "If you don't get that dress I'm gonna slap you" Harmony says. "You're going to slap a pregnant women?" "Yes, get the dress" she says. "Ok, fine" She goes to the lady and asks for her size and the lady goes to the back of the store.

She comes back with the dress and Iris goes in the dressing room. She comes out and the dress looked amazing on her. "Iris, you look so pretty, red is definitely your color" I say. "Yeah, you look beautiful, buy the dress" Yulani says. "I like it too, I'm gonna buy it." She walks to the checkout line.

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