Russians are here

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I woke up the next day and my stomach had a big bruise on it. "Amore, what's wrong?" Eli asks me. "My stomach is bruised from yesterday" I say from in the bathroom. I hear him getting out of the bed to walk over to me. "Yeah that is pretty bad, I'll get you some ice."

While he's gone I decide to start on my hair since Eli said we were going out today. I wet my hair with a spray bottle reviving all of my curls and then I moisturize it and leave it down.

Eli finally comes back with the ice pack and hands it to me. I lift my shirt up and place the ice pack there as I sit down. "So where are we going today?" "You'll just have to wait and see" "you know I hate surprises" "well this is a good surprise, oh and wear something nice, I have a mission to go on so I'll be back soon. When I come back we can leave."

"Ok, be careful" "don't worry, this mission isn't as bad as the last one, I'm just gonna go retrieve something for Damon" "your going by yourself?" "Don't you go on missions by yourself?" "But-" "I'll be fine, amore, it's a simple mission" He kisses me on my forehead and then leaves the room. I have to stop worrying about him so much. But the last time I loved someone like this they were killed by my father and I don't want to feel that type of pain again. 

I take the ice pack off of my stomach and I go to the kitchen to put it back in the freezer. Damon comes into the kitchen and sits down on the island looking at his phone. "I have a mission for you, Venus" "By myself or with someone" "by yourself" "tell me about it" I sit down on the other side of the counter facing him. 

"I need you to break into the military base for me and get a file for me" "What kind of file?" "There's going to be a name on there that says Yulani Romero" "your sister?" " did you know she was my sister?" "Eli told me" I say with a soft tone expecting him to be mad. "Well yeah, my sister, If Eli told you the whole story you would know she was kidnapped by the Russians and we couldn't find her, I think they might have took her to some kind of prison and If they did her file is going to be in that building."

"So you want me to go on a  mission to the Russian military base for something that might not even be there, I think I want to live a little bit longer, Damon" "You're the only one out of all of us, even Eli, who can make it out of there alive" He says while keeping a cold expression. "Damon do you hear yourself right now, what if her file isn't there and I get killed, what then?" "that's why I asked you because I know you're not gonna get killed, weren't you the one bragging about how you were the best assassin in Italy just a few months ago?" "I'm sorry Damon but I can't do that" 

He rubs his face and then looks at me again. "Please, V" I sigh. "Ok, Damon" "so you'll do it?" "only for you and Eli" "thank you" "you're welcome." 

"When do you want me to do it?" "Next month" "why so far away?" "giving you time to prepare" "ok." I go upstairs and knock on Leo's door. "Who is it?" "V" "come in" I open his room door and shut it behind me. Leo and Kaylin were sitting on the couch playing video games. 

"Can I play?" Kaylin grabs an extra controller and throws it to me. I catch it and connect it to the playstation. "You don't even play video games though" Leo says. "Right, I've never seen you play a video game in my life" "I used to play a lot with Jupiter before I came here" "whatever you say, Venus" I roll my eyes and sit down in between them. 

"Let's play call of duty split screen" Leo suggests. Me and Kaylin agree. We were playing video games for four hours straight, none of us even got up to use the bathroom. We were so into the game that I don't think we even realized we had to go. I haven't played video games in so long so I was happy to finally touch a game controller again. "Leo, the only way you know how to win is through cheating." I say.

"V is right, you've been cheating the whole time" Kaylin says. "No I haven't, you guys are just ass at all the games" "whatever, Leo, you're a cheater."

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