New York City

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"Eli, do you want kids one day?" I ask him as we're laying on the bed. "Yes, why?" "Just asking" He smiles a little. "Amore, I have a surprise for you" "Eli" I give him a knowing look. "look, I know you hate surprises but it's always a good surprise when it comes from me."

"Alright, what is it?" He gets up and grabs a box off of his dresser. "Open it" I grab it out of his hand and I open it. Once I open it I see two plane tickets to New York" "Eli, stop" "I know how much you wanted to go to New York because you've never been so here's your chance, just me and you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hug him tighter then I've ever hugged him before. Except for the time when he came to rescue me from the Russian prison or whatever it was. "When do we leave?" He looks at his watch.

"In about two hours" "Eli, why when it comes to trips you always tell me late?" "I don't know, I just didn't want you to have to wait so long, better start packing now" "how long are we staying?" "A week" "Ok."

I get up and grab a suitcase out of the closet and start packing my clothes. "A week is a long time, won't you be busy?" "No, Damon said he would handle all my work while we're gone" "oh ok."

"You're gonna love the house" "can't wait to get there" Once I'm done packing me and Eli go downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone. "Venus, they don't believe that I'm the older twin" Jupiter says as I walk into the kitchen. "Unfortunately it's true, but only by three hours" I say as I sit down across from Jupiter.

"Told you guys" "no, it's unbelievable" Carmen says. "Yeah, Jupiter is too childish to be older" Iris says. "Iris, didn't you just call me and Kameron childish after we pushed Ju in the pool the other day?" "Yeah but he does more childish things." We all laugh a little.

We eat our food and then we tell everyone goodbye so we could drive to the airport. "I love you so much" "I love you too, amore" He kisses me just as we pull up to the jet.

A guard helps us load our things onto the plane and then we take off. "Is this a different jet?" I ask Eli. "Yeah, we have a different jet for every occasion" "you guys are so extra" "I know" He sits down beside me.

"How long is this plane ride gonna be?" "About nine hours" "ughh, that's too long" "you'll be just fine."


"Amore, wake up, we're here" I lift my head up off of the pillow. "Haven't slept that good in a while" I say as I get off the bed and stretch. Eli laughs and then we both walk off the plane and into the car.

We drive for a while and then we pull up to a huge mansion. "Eli, when you said house I thought you meant like a penthouse or something but this is huge" "amore, when I say things, I always mean something way bigger" "I know that now, just please tell me there are not as many workers as there were at the last house."

"No, only a few guards, other than that, there's no one else" "ok."

We pull into the driveway and he parks his car right in front of the door. The house looked like it could be at least three stories from the outside. The windows went all around the house and there were a couple balconies on the outside.

We walk in and it didn't look how I imagined. It looked ten times better. "This place is so pretty" "I'm glad you like it, amore."

I follow Eli up to our room. When we go in the room my eyes immediately go towards the bed. There were rose petals shaped into a heart and the bed was an Alaskan king size which is basically a king size bed but way bigger.

"Eli, stop, this is too much" "You deserve it" He pulls me into him and gives me a passionate kiss. When we pull away we stare into each others eyes. "What's the real reason you're doing all of this for me?"

Venus SereneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant