Trust and love

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"Jasmine, what? You know how high you sound right now?" "I know it's confusing and you probably don't even believe me but I promise I'm not lying. I wouldn't bring you out here at a time like this and tell a lie this big" "so what the fuck does this mean, Jasmine? Because I'm married and finally happy and then you come to me with this shit. You should have kept it a secret. Now what am I supposed to tell Eli. That I have a child with my ex that's supposed to be dead?"

"I just told you that you have a daughter and Elijah's reaction is the only thing you're worried about?" "Jasmine, you don't understand. I'm already pregnant with his child and I'm happy, how am I supposed to know this won't make him hate me?" "I know you're happy and I felt bad for having to tell you this right now but you needed to know, Venus. I couldn't just keep this from you. You know you would hate me if I did and you found out."

I looked at her and then at the ground and went silent. I didn't know what to say or do, there were just a million thoughts racing through my head but only one was important. What would Eli think?

"Venus" Jasmine tried to touch me but I moved my arm out of her grasp. "She looks just like you" She says under her breath. "When did you give birth to her?" "Only five month ago. They found out I was a spy and took pity over me and decided to not kill me but threw me and our daughter out so now I'm living in an apartment, laying low, just in case."

"What's her name?" I ask. "Sariyah" "that's pretty" I admit. "Thank you" "I wanna see her" "I was really hoping you'd say that" She says as a man walks up to us with a little girl in his hands. She was so pretty and she looked just like me. Jasmin took Sariyah out of the man's arms and sat down with her. 

She had ginger curls like mine and she also had my eyes. Gray with a hint of blue and green when light touched them. "Here, hold her" She handed sariyah to me and she started to smile. "Hi, pretty" I say as she starts to play with my hair. "Jasmine, why are you telling me this five months later, why not when she was first born?" "Because I didn't know what you were gonna say but she isn't getting any younger so I knew I had to tell you eventually."

"Who's the father?" "Me" The guy who had Sariyah and was still standing there said. "I'm Rowan. I was one of the recruit members they experimented on" "why were they experimenting on recruits and what kind of experiments were they doing?" I ask confused. 

"That's not something we can talk about here" Rowan says. I looked at the time and it was almost five. "Then let's go somewhere we can" I say. Jasmine sighed and got up. "Ok" I handed Sariyah back to Rowan and then went to my car. 

I actually can't believe I have a daughter right now. It's almost too good to be true. She's so beautiful and has all my features. I don't know how to feel about this, I'm still worried about what Eli might think once I tell him. I have to tell him. What kind of wife would I be to keep something like this from him?

I saw Jasmine pull off and I followed behind her to wherever she was going. We pulled up to a really nice apartment complex and it was private for the most part, barely any cars though which was weird. We got out of our cars and walked into the building. "Which floor do you live on?" I ask. "All of them if I wanted to" "how?" "I own the building" "you said you were staying in an apartment laying low, how is staying in a huge apartment complex that you own laying low?" "Because there's a lot of security that only someone like you could get pass and there's basically no one like you so I think we'll be fine, Venus."

When we got in the elevator she pressed the button to the fifth floor and we went up. I looked at Sariyah who was peacefully sleep in her carseat. I could tell Jasmine was looking at me but I kept my eyes on Sariyah because if I looked up then it would make things more awkward then they already were.

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now