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"I told you they would find out, Eli" "V, calm down" "I'm tired of everyone telling me to calm down. I killed their daughter so they killed my dad, why would I calm down, my dad is dead because of my fucking choices!"

"I don't deserve to be a mafia leader, what mafia leader gets their own father killed. I can't-" Eli's lips connect with mine before I say anything else, he kisses me slowly and then pulls away. "Stop talking down on yourself, amore" "why, because it's true?" "No it's not, Sienna had it coming for a while so she was gonna end up dead even if you didn't kill her."

"Eli, my dad is dead because of me, do you not get that?" "He's not dead because of you, he's dead because the Elianos killed him, so what are you gonna do about it?" "What can I do about it, Eli?" "Start by building your mafia up and then go from there."


"Venus, can we please talk" I was walking down the stairs and Gio was following behind me. "You just don't quit, do you?" "No, not until my relationship with you is back to the way it was" "we never had a relationship, Gio, you were always gone."

"And I'm trying to fix that because you're my sister and I love you" "is that so?" "Venus, you're not taking me serious" "because I know you don't actually give a fuck about our relationship, you just feel guilty because of all the things you did and if you don't fix our relationship you'll be stuck with the guilt."

She follows me into the kitchen where Kameron and Jupiter were. "Maybe some of that is true but I still love you and I do care" "go to hell, Gio" "or maybe you just don't want to forgive me because you're a stuck up bitch."

She walks out of the kitchen and I just shrug my shoulders. I am stuck up but I don't care. I know I'm better than her and she knows it too and that's why she's mad.

"Venus" "Jupiter, if you're gonna tell me how I'm being a bitch to her then save it because I don't give a fuck" "but that's what you're being" Kameron says, not sure if he should say the full sentence. "Fuck you, Kameron. Why are you always here anyway?" I went back up to my room and something about it felt off. It was much colder than it should have been.

I look over at the window and it was wide open. "What the hell.." I go over to the window and close it. I start to hear movement in my closet and when I look over there the noise stops. "Eli..?"

I shrug it off and sit down on my couch to watch tv. "Hello Venus" I turn around and see a familiar face right before he breaks a glass bottle over my head. Everything went blurry for a second until I saw that it was Jaxon.

"Jaxon?" "Yeah, it's me" "not this shit again, you're still mad that I replaced you?" "Shut up before I break the rest of this bottle over your head" "aren't you supposed to be in a mental facility?" "I'm not fucking crazy!" He loudly whispers. "Could've fooled me" I slowly stand up but he pushes me back on the couch.

I could feel blood coming down my face. "So why do you wanna kill me again?" "You came here and convinced everyone that I was fucking crazy, I had to stay in that shit hole for years and then I got sent back because of you" "I didn't come here, Damon kidnapped me, I didn't convince people that you were crazy, you went against Damon's instructions and convinced them yourself."

"Yeah well, you're gonna be dead pretty soon" "are you really gonna kill your brother's girlfriend?" Everything around me was blurry and I felt dizzy so I couldn't really run and this was my only way to keep him from killing me. manipulation.

"Eli would hate you forever and then you would never earn your spot back in the mafia, and if you kill me you're going right back to the mental facility but for longer" "at least I'll have my revenge." Shit. My manipulation usually works.

Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now