passed down throne

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"Ok, our mom didn't kill our dad" Gio says. "Then who did, Gio?" I ask her. "Matteo!" "You are so fucking-" "can you guys stop arguing, it's not helping anything" Damon says. "Matteo didn't do it" I say. "Why are you defending him?" Gio says. "Because I know he didn't do it, why are you defending mom?"

"Because that's our mom" "exactly my point, you think just because she's family that she wouldn't do something like that but she would" "she would kill her own husband? Ok, clearly you're delusional."

"Gio, you saw what was on the flash drive, me and you both know why mom would do it" she takes a paper out of her pocket and hands it to me. "Well, I'm the oldest so his mafia has to be passed on to me but I don't really want it so it's yours." She gets out of her seat and leaves the room.

It was the form you had to sign to get a mafia passed down to you and as soon as you signed it there was no way out of being the mafia leader. I pick up the paper and chase after her. "Gio, wait!" I run down the stairs to catch up to her. "Venus, the rules are if the oldest doesn't want it then I give it to whoever I want and they have to accept it."

"Gio, I don't want this" "neither do I so I guess you don't have a choice, bye Venus" She walks out of the house and slams the door behind her. I waited for a few seconds hoping that she would come back and take this paper out of my hand but she didn't. 

I walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. I stare at the paper and all the rules on the paper. I already knew the rules anyway since my dad taught them to me when I was little. He knew this day would come. She did this on purpose. She knew I wouldn't have a choice if she didn't want it. 

Everyone comes downstairs and their faces drop when they see me sitting on the couch with the paper in my hand. Jupiter walks over to the couch and sits down beside me. "You have to, V..." I ball the paper up and put it in the trashcan. "V, I don't think you have a choice" Kameron says. "I don't care" I pass everyone and go up to my room.

I don't care if I don't have a choice. I know if I don't take over his mafia then they'll kill me which is the worst mafia rule they could have ever made but I don't care. I guess they'll just have to come kill me. I rather die then have to do work twenty four seven, deal with people betraying me, have all that pressure on me when it comes to hard decisions, building your mafia back up after it goes down, and much more things I have no intention of dealing with.

Damon already has to build his back up after they exploded all of our headquarters and that just makes it harder for me. It's like starting from scratch and I don't want to do that. If I didn't have to get over one million men back then maybe I would consider signing the paper.

I know someone is going to come into my room and try to convince me but no words can make me change my mind about this. I'm not the right person for the job. 

"Venus" I look up and see Jupiter at the door. " I knew one of you would come into my room and try to convince me to sign the paper" "well they thought I was the only one who could get through to you" "well, they were wrong, no one is gonna get through to me."

"V, they're gonna kill you if you don't" "I know" "Venus, you would rather die than become a mafia leader?" "Yes" "why?" "Because I'm not the right person for the job, all my people are going to get killed if I'm their leader" "Venus, if anything you're the perfect person for the job, dad knew you would be the perfect person for the job the reason he taught you all the mafia rules before you were even old enough to understand what a mafia was."

"You're only saying that so I can sign the papers and then they won't have to kill me" "every word I said is true and when things get hard you have all of us by your side to help you, you're not alone in this, V. Just sign the paper" "alright, Jupiter. I'll sign it" I say when I saw the worried look on his face.  "Good."

He takes the now wrinkled paper from behind his back and hands it to me. I grab the pen off of my nightstand. "All you have to do is sign your name" I hesitate for a second but then I just sign it to get it over with. "At least I'm friends with the mafia boss so I don't have to drive across the country to give the paper to them" I say.

"Look at you, already looking on the bright side" "shut up." I go to Damon's office and Eli was sitting on the couch looking at papers. I put the paper on his desk. He looks at me and then looks at my name that I signed on the paper. "Venus, I can get you out of this" Damon says. "No, it's fine" "are you sure, V?" "I'm sure." He nods his head and puts the paper in his desk drawer.

I walk out of his office and go back to my room. 

My old life is now over but at least I still have the people that I care about in my new life.

"Eli" I say once he comes into the room. "Yes, amore?" "Do you think I can do this?" "If you couldn't I would tell you, you're the only person right for the job" "but what if-" "amore, stop, you're gonna do fine" "ok but I'm only twenty three, what if people say I'm too young" "Damon was nineteen when he became the leader of his mafia and he did just fine."

"But that's Damon, he's mean and rude, anybody will listen to him" "Venus, you're mean and rude too, you just don't show that side of you very often" "oh wait, I am, but only to people who deserve it, I'm not just gonna go around yelling at innocent people like Damon" "once you join a mafia, you're no longer innocent."

He kissed me and then left the room.

I know what I have to do to build my mafia back up.


Short chapter because I was rushing 

Until next timeeee!!


Venus SereneWhere stories live. Discover now