Bad chemical

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I woke up alone in bed which is unusual because Natasha is always here with me and I got up and walked to the door and tried opening the door but it was locked and wouldn't budge and I started panicking and I started banging on the door screaming "Natasha!" I shouted and felt hands around me and I jumped "Hey its okay It's me" Kate said and I turned "What are you doing here, where were you? Were is Natasha? What's happening?" I asked "Hey breathe" she said and pulled me to the bed to sit "Nat went on a mission and I came in here to check on you, Natasha came back and closed the door leaving me here with you, on the mission some chemicals got spilled and some of Nat's men are sick she didn't want to risk exposing you to it so she closed the door" she explained and I started calming down, "I need a bath" I said and she nod and I walked to the bathroom while she stayed outside.

I quickly took a shower and then walked back outside to see Kate sitting on my bed on her phone "I'm hungry" I said and she started calling someone on the phone "Yeah she's awake OK got it" she said and then hanged up "Natasha is sending food" she said and I searched for my phone and ringed Nat "Hey baby" she answered "What happen, are you Okay?" I asked "I'm okay, there was a spill some of my men inhaled a chemical and I don't want you and the baby to be sick so I'm waiting on my results from the doctor and once I'm checked out and I'm fine I'll come to you" she said and I sighed "I really need you right now" I said "I know Dетка" she said softly "I'm sending up breakfast what do you want to eat?" She asked me "Just pancakes" I replied "OK I'm sending up panckaes for you" she said and I smiled "OK I'll call you later the doctor is here" she said and we said goodbye and she hanged up.

Some men came in wearing suits and gloves and mask and handed me the pancakes and it was obvious Nat ordered it, the tray came with a note "Sorry it took so long, I didn't want to cook and risk it" it said and I smiled and started eating offering Kate some. Kate and I moved to the bed and we both sat down talking and the baby kicked and I smiled "What?" She asked "The baby kicked" I responded and she smiled "Can I?" She asked and I nod and she rested her hand on my bump "Continue talking" I told her and she continued her conversation and the baby kicked again "I felt it" she said excited and I giggled "Keep talking" I said and she did and the baby kicked twice "She likes your voice" I said and Kate was smiling like crazy "Don't tell Nat though" she said and we chuckled.

It's now afternoon and I haven't heard anything from Natasha and I'm ringing her and not getting her "What if she's sick as well" I asking worried "Hey everything is okay, Nat's okay just give her more time" Kate said and I tried relaxing and then there was a knock at the door and before we could answer it they pushed a box of pizza inside and then the door quickly shut and I ran to it and saw the letter and I exhaled "Here you go baby" it said and I took up the box and walked over to the bed.

We ate and watched television and now we're just lying down bored "Have you guys picked out a baby name yet?" Kate asked and I shook my head no "Name her after me" she joked and I chuckled "I miss Nat" I said and Kate stop chuckling "I mean yeah it's sad she can't be in here but hey at least I'm here" she said and I held her hands "No your right, you're in here with me and I'm just complaining about missing Nat" I said "So uh what do you think about Yelena do you think there is a connection between you two?" I asked and she shook her head "No I like someone else" she said and I got exited "Really who is it?" I asked and she shook her head "Oh come on tell me" I insisted "I think I like this person but I shouldn't because they are already happy in a relationship so I'm gonna push those feelings away and be happy for the person" she said and I nod "Is it Gamora?" I asked and she shook her head.

I don't remember falling asleep but I was awoken by a hand around my waist and kisses on my neck and I pushed the person away and turned around and Immediately pulled them back in "I missed you so much, Gosh I was so worried" I said and she kissed me "I missed you too but I had to keep you safe" she said and I pulled her closer to me "I brought dinner and today you've had a very un healthy diet so I brought you your favorite salad meal" she said and I smiled "Thank you Tasha" I said and she gave me the salad and I started eating and she rested her hands on my belly "Hey little one did you miss me?' She asked "Yeah well I missed you so much" she said and the baby kicked "Are you happy to hear me or just happy for food?" Nat asked and we chuckled "I think its Both" I said and Natasha smiled "Well I missed you both so much, so tomorrowwe are cuddling for the whole day to make up for me not being here today" she answered and moves up to my lips and I kissed her and rested the salad on my bump balancing it.

1013 Words

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