Missing Her

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My whole body is aching I have been in this awful place for days, weeks, months maybe I'm not sure there isn't any windows and the only light source is the light over my head over the operation table. I don't remember the last time I have gotten a proper meal or gotten a proper bath. I don't remember much just that I wake then they operate on me which I  have no idea as to what they do on me, I do feel sore all over after but nothing comes as close to the pain I feel from what Natasha said to me That I can't love. I actually don't know what's worse being in here or going back out there and being with Nat's dad and the punishment I'm gonna have to face, As I laid with my whole body strapped to the bed I heard footsteps approaching and my whole body tensed ready to face whatever they are about to do to me.

"You're awake" A man in a mask who's face I have never actually seen says waking over to me and then holding my cheek and I moved my head to the other side and he chuckled "Adorable" he said and then gripped my face "You are gonna make us a lot of money when this is finished We'll have something that will cost billions of dollars, something to use against the Romanoff's" He said and I started wiggling trying to get free and he laughed "I'm surprised you haven't said anything at all since you got here I guess you know the rules on what to do and what not to do" he said and then held down my body to stop the moving "I might just go easy on you" he replied and looked me right in the eye and then the door open revealing other men coming in with equipment and my body was already aching from the last session and I couldn't handle anymore "No please please stop" I begged my voice sounding hoarse "You were doing so well before" he said and injected me with something and then I blacked out.


It's been three months now and still no sign of Y/N any where I am doing the best I can to search for her, I have men searching every region every country and still no sign of her any where. "Any updates?" I asked and every men in the room stayed quite "Kate? Yelena?" I ask and they both shook their heads no and I sighed "We have searched everywhere we could think of so with all due respect miss Romanoff but maybe Y/N is dea-" A guy started but I shot him dead before he could finish "If anyone dare to say my fiancé is dead I will put a bullet in your head, Obviously you haven't searched every where if you guys haven't found her" I shouted and every guard held their head down "You, double the prize send out the message to everyone, anyone who finds Y/N gets a billion dollar" I announced and they nod and I dismissed them "I'm gonna go search the city are you guys coming" I asked Yelena and Kate and Yelena walked over to me "You need to sleep Nat you haven't had a proper sleep since Y/N got kidnapped" She said and I shook my head "I'm not resting until I find Y/N" I said taking up my weapons "It won't make any difference if your dead when or before we find her, when was the last time you ate something?" she asked "I don't care I need to find Y/N I'll be fine" I said "ok we will help you look and grab breakfast as well" Kate said and I thought about it and nod.

"Thank you for staying and help look for Y/N" I said to Yelena and she continued eating and nod "What connection do you have with her ?" I asked Yelena and she sighed "I'll let your fiancé answer that question" she said and I stopped eating and looked at her "Why don't you want to tell me?" I asked and she looked up "Natasha just finish your breakfast and let's get going" She said and I dropped the topic.


Being here without Y/N is heartbreaking and what scares me is that the last time I saw her was when she ended our friendship. I have been staying at Natasha's house for months, Natasha blames her self for this and as a result of that she has been working non stop to find Y/N, I have quit all my mission so my full attention is on find Y/N. Yelena, Nat sister seems to really care about Y/n and finding her, she plans to take Y/N away from Nat and her father's reach once we find her. She told me her plan and about how dangerous for Y/N it will be if she goes with Nat's dad, She hasn't told me what happen between Y/N and Nat's father or how they know each other she says it's fully up to Y/N "We're ready let's go" Natasha said and then we paid and walked out.

"I didn't find anything" I told Natasha after searching the part I was responsible for "I bribed everyone to see if someone would talk but nothing I checked every abandon building and still no traces or signs of Y/N" I said and Nat sighed and turned to Yelena and she shook her head "let's call it a day" Yelena said and we drove back home. I walked into the guest room Nat gave me and sat down and the tears started flowing Fuck I miss my bestfriend I lifted up my hand looking at the bracelet she gifted me with the half heart her having the other half and I started crying more. I changed out of todays clothes and then went downstairs for something to eat and saw chocolate cake, Y/N's favourite and I took up an fruit salad and walked back upstairs and laid on the bed crying and then Natasha ran inside "We found her"

1031 Words

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