I need you to tell me what happened

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Nat's POV

Its been three weeks now since Y/N has been home and she hasn't spoken a lot to anyone she mostly curls up in bed because of the pain in her stomach and she refuses to let a doctor near her. She's uncomfortable with physical contact and I try my best to understand and limit touching her, wanting her to feel safe. She has nightmares frequently and I try my best to help, When she eats its not a lot and some morning she throws up. I'm letting her go at her own pace though I know the last three months must of been terrible for her.

"Can I come in?" I asked knocking on the door "Yeah" she responded and I walked in with her favourite, a slice of chocolate cake and chocolate milkshake and I gave it to her and sat down on the bed near her and waited until she was finished.
"I know its a bad time but please Y/N I need to know what they did to you in there and I need to know what my dad did" I said softly and she looked up at me and I gave her an encouraging nod "I..I don't really remember much" she started and I shifted a bit more up to her "I just know that I wake they give me food which isn't a lot, they operate on me which I know idea as to what they do I just feel sore all over afterwards and that's pretty much all I remember, I know the consequences so I don't speak, I don't resist and I cooperate" she said a tear falling down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away and she leaned into my touch "Y/N I need to know about my father and your past" I said and her body tensed "Please I just want to help" I assured her,

"As I told you before my parents never could provide for us so my dad started working with your dad in secret I'm not sure has to what he did for him but my father couldn't provide payment one day and your father demanded his money and a week later when my father couldn't repay him, he" she started and at the end her voice cracked and tears started falling "He killed them didn't he" I asked and she nod and hugged me and I quickly wrapped my hands around "Their was a shoot up at my house and my parents hid me, he killed them and I had to stay in the same house with my dead parents for 8 days when I couldn't bare the smell or the hunger anymore I went out searching for food, to my bad luck I tried stealing money from your father who was walking into the supermarket he grabbed my hands and I panicked and grabbed his gun and everyone of his guard pointed a gun at me and he stopped them, he said he thought I was brave for pulling a gun on me so he took me in" she said and I ran my hands up and down her back  "He brought me to his house and he made me sign a contract giving my life to him, I was eleven parent less, hungry and had no one so in that moment he felt like my salvation" she said and then took a deep breath "A year later he sent me away to somewhere called the red room that's where I learned my training and that's where.." She starts but stopped and I pulled back and held her face that was fill with tears "Please finish" I said softly "That's where I met Yelena, when your mother died Yelena didn't leave, your father gave her over to the red room, she had been there a year longer before me so she helped teach me everything and shared her stuffs with me, When we were fourteen we umm we started dating" she said and I looked at her shocked "We dated for four years until we were eighteen and your father requested for my presences, I started working for him and years later I started working for you" she finished.


I finished in tears and my head down afraid to look up at her and she immediately pulled me into a hug "I'm so so sorry my love, do you mind telling me what happened at dinner" she asked and I nod


Natasha walked away to the bathroom and I looked down at the table afraid to look at Nat's father "You think you can out smart me huh trying to marry my daughter so you can get revenge on me" he said chuckling angrily and I stayed quite knowing I shouldn't speak "Idiot, here is what your gonna do, your gonna fucking end whatever you have with her and your moving back to London with me, let you out of my sight and your sleeping your way up to the top to gain control" he said and tears started falling "Natasha is too weak and you pretending to love my daughter just so you can get back at me" he said and scoff "I do love her" I said immediately regret speaking, he slammed his fist down and got up "No you fucking don't because you don't know how to love, you can't love and you don't deserve it" he said and more tears started falling "Don't forget I literally own you and your life I say end it,  you end the relationship do you understand me?" he asked me coming to my side lifting my face up with his ring marking my cheek "I understand" I stuttered out and he walked back to his seat "End it now" he said and then Natasha walked in.
End of Flashback

After telling Nat the story I slowly look up at her "He fucking did what?, I'm literally gonna fucking kill him" she said getting up and taking up a gun and I ran to her "He..He hurt you, I promised to protect you from everyone and I couldn't even protect you from him" she said crying with her voice breaking "And he hurt Lena, no wonder she hates our family and that's why she came back for you and her accusation of me using you, and no wonder you always thought that, that's what he told you everyday that you can't love and I was so stupid to tell you the same thing" she said and I hugged her "I'm so so so sorry" she continued repeating "Its Okay Nat" I said and she shook her head "No its not okay, You have been through so much Y/N and I promise you I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, and I promise he's gonna pay for what he did to you and Lena" she promised "It makes sense now why you didn't want to give us a chance, why you would risk your life on missions, why you never wanted my father to find out about us and I'm so sorry" she said apologizing over and over and I lifted up her face and kissed her and she relaxed into the kiss "I miss you lips so much" she said softly and then kissed me again and We laid down together and she rested her head on my stomach and I flinched away groaning "Right I'm so sorry" she said and sat up "You okay?" She asked and I was about to answer when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up and I ran to the bathroom with Nat running after me and she held my hair back while I threw up and after some seconds I brushed my teeth and made my way back to bed and she came in beside me resting my head on her lap "Please let the doctor check out what's wrong or if you feel safer we can go to Stark" she said and I nod closing my eyes and she kissed my forehead.

1362 Words

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