Just Dinner

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"Are you ready?" Romanoff asked and I smiled and held her hand and she led me into the passenger seat and walked to the driver side "You look beautiful" she said and I smiled "Thanks you look stunning" I replied and she drove us to the restaurant "I don't think it's open" I told her seeing it empty and no cars in the drive way "I rented it out for us" she said and I looked at her shocked and we walked in "I'll be right back" she said and walked away and I sat down nervous and after five minutes I started getting worried "did your date stood you" she ask smirking sitting down "yeah it seems like she did...Hi I'm Y/N and you are?" I say and she shook my hand "I'm Natasha Romanoff" she said I chuckle "So Natasha what are you interested in?" I asked and she smiled probably to the fact that I called her Natasha "You" she said answering my previous question and I looked down blushing and she chuckled and started telling me about her self and things she likes "I'm also allergic to.." she starts and I cut her off "I'm guessing strawberries" I said and she smiled "Yup" and I smiled "So tell me about your self" She said and the waiter brought us our foods and we started eating "Ok I'm in love with kittens, I hate fish, can't stand the smell of it, Love chocolate literally anything chocolate, my one and only best friend is a girl called Kate but I call her Katie, I work for the most powerful boss and yeah that's really it my life is boring" I said and she put her fork down "Most powerful boss huh wanna tell me about her?" she said smirking "She is beautiful and powerful not to mention stubborn and I don't think she even listens to no one, she sometimes gets too aggressive but I can handle it, she claims she only trust me alone, which is kinda hard to believe because I don't think she trust anyone and if she did it would have probably been her best friend well I don't really know what the are but the girl is called Wanda she is beautiful and hard working and genuinely cares for Romanoff" I say and pushed my plate away after finish eating and looked up at her "maybe your boss actual only trust you and I think Wanda and your boss are just close friends that satisfy each other needs with no attachment" she said and I shrug "Yeah maybe" We spent the whole night taking and eating and laughing and we decided to call it a night when it was getting too late "I'll meet you in the car" Romanoff said and I nod and walked to the car and she came out shortly after with a bag and we went inside "I like this part of you" I told her and she glance at me for a second "I love this part of you as well, and I'm sorry I didn't get to know it from earlier" she said and I smiled and looked behind us and she looked at me "What's wrong" she asked and I took out my gun that was strapped to my leg "that car is following us, it has been for a while" I told her "When I tell you hit the brakes you hit it okay?" and she nod... and Now" I tell her and she hit the brake and I shot the others car tire causing them to crash and then she turned around and drove us home...

"Thank you for tonight Romanoff" I told her and she sighed "Your welcome but I thought you were finally gonna go with Natasha" she said and I opened the door "Would you like to come inside?" I ask and she took up the bag and we walked in and I led her up to my bed room and we sat on the bed "I brought home dessert for you" she said and gave me the bag and it was chocolate cake and I smiled "thank you" I said softly and she scooted more over towards me and I took up the fork and took a bite "This is the best chocolate cake I have ever eaten" I said in awe and took up another piece "Want to try it" I asked "sure" she responded and I tried giving her the fork and she held my hand putting it close to her mouth and I fed her and then we both stared at each other "Wanna watch movie for some time?" I ask and she nod and I turned on the television and put it on a show and we sat watching it "She is so stupid why take the left turn and the right is obviously the better choice" Romanoff said and I giggle and she looked at me and we slowly leaned forward and when our lips were gonna touch her phone rang and we snapped out of it "One second" she said to me and then answered her phone "Hey Wanda....Hmm yeah I'm fine... sorry to worry you....yeah I'll be home in five" she said and then hang up "Tonight was fun but I've got to go I'll see you tomorrow" Romanoff said and walked over and kissed my cheek "I'll follow you to the door" I offered and she smiled and we walked downstairs and stopped at the door "Tomorrow morning at 5 right?" I asked "You can take until 6 It's been a long night" she said and I smiled and we said our good nights and she went into the car and when she drove away I went inside upstairs and changed into bed clothes and closed my eyes and images of Romanoff started invading my mind and how close our lips were to touching but I shook away the thought "You can't be with her and you never will, your unworthy of love and incapable of giving it plus why would she settle for you when she has Wanda she's probably just messing with you" Those thoughts ran through my head and I groaned and tried my best to fall asleep.

1047 Words

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