It's your choice

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When I was finish talking to Yelena and Kate I made my way upstairs to our room and I slowly opened the door and saw Y/N asleep and I sat beside her and rested my hands on her stomach "Hi there, this might be the last time I will speak to you but I just want you to forgive us if anything happens and I love you" I said and rested my head on her stomach and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and felt weight on my stomach and I looked down and saw Nat and it all came back to me and I slowly and gently lifted her head off of me and moved to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the toilet seat top and took out the abortion pills Tony gave to me and I hesitated, I can give Nat what she wants,She deserves to be happy right,But will I be happy?.

Nat's POV
I opened my eyes and realized YN wasn't on the bed anymore and that I must of drifted off. I heard sniffling coming from the bathroom door and I got up and tried opening it but it was lock "Y/N can you step out so we can talk please?" I asked her and was met with silence and minutes later she opened the door and I held her hand and moved us over to the bed and we sat down and I held both of her hands "We don't have to keep it if you don't want, whatever your choice is I fully respect it and I promise it won't affect our relationship or the love I have for you" I said honestly to her "But...You always wanted a child and here I am somehow bringing a child that has both of us DNA, and I'm being selfish" she said looking down and I held her face up "It's not selfish and It's your body so it's your choice and whatever it is I'm with you on it one hundred percent" I told her and she stayed quite "I know the reason you don't want children and I know who's responsible, but that guy is a fucking idiot to tell you that you can't love and don't deserve it because you deserve all the happiness and love in the world and every day of my life and I'm gonna show you and make you believe you deserve it, When we first started dating you thought you couldn't love and in six months you told me that you loved me, you learned and believed in yourself and if you want to keep this child I know that in 9 months well eight because your already a month in, but I know that you will believe and you will fall in love with this beautiful little creation" I said and touched her stomach and she looked up "I need time to think" she said softly "And that's okay your about to make a big decision so take all the time you need" I said and kissed her head "Now let's get you something to eat" and with that we headed downstairs.

We arrived downstairs and I started preparing her lunch and when I was finished we moved to the living room where Kate and Yelena was and they turned their head to us and Kate was about to ask when I shook my head no telling her not to overwhelm Y/N with questions and she nod and we sat down.


When I was finished I walked to the kitchen to put my plate down and I turned and saw Yelena and I smiled "Hey" I said and she walked closer to me "You've grown up" she said in Russian holding my cheek and I smiled "I have yes, so have you" I replied and I sat down and she sat on the next stool across from me "I'm sorry I left you behind" She apologized and I shook my head "No don't blame yourself you were young and found your escape and took it" I said and she rested her forehead on mine "When I escaped him and moved to another state I gave it some time before I made any move, then I had a plan to rescue you I came back to New York and I found your safe house and I saw you and Kate together happy so I thought you got out and you were happy dating Kate, When I got Nat's letter with both of you on the card I came back for you" she said and I held her hand "I missed you" I said and she smiled "I missed you too" she replied and we stayed silent and she pulled me into a hug.

Natasha came into the kitchen and Smiled at the both of us "Don't get too comfortable" she said to Yelena and Yelena raised her hand up in defense "Just a friendly hugged" Yelena replied and we all chuckled and Natasha came beside me and I smiled "It's good we're all together" she said "Don't forget about me" Kate shouted from the living and I chuckled.

"Let's go to bed" Natasha Suggested and I nod and said goodbye to Yelena and Kate, and we made our way upstairs. I laid down and groaned "What's wrong?" Nat asked "Just feeling pain" I answered and she nod "Let me get you something" she said and moved to the bathroom and a second later she came in angry.

"DID YOU TAKE THIS?" she asked holding up the abortion pills "I..I didn't" I answered her "Y/N there is five space on this and one pill is missing, you told me you would think about it knowing you already took the pill" she said getting frustrated "I told you no matter what I'm with you with whatever it is that you choose and you lied to me" she screamed "I DIDN'T TAKE IT THE OTHER PILL IS IN THE GARBAGE" I shouted getting her attention and she walked into the bathroom and searched the bin and found the other pill and then threw them all away and walked back over to me and I rolled over and got under the covers and she reached over to touch me and I shuffled away "I'm sorry" she said softly and I stayed quite "At least take this for the pain" she said putting the water bottle and pill on my side and I took it and she got in bed and hugged me and I scooted away from her and she laid on her back and a few minutes later I turned around and rested my head on her chest and hugged her waist and she kissed my forehead.

1147 Words

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