Nat's Birthday

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December,3 2:02 a.m
I woke up worried because Natalia hadn't made a sound throughout the night and I walked into her room to find it empty and I started freaking out and I heard baby noises coming from downstairs and I ran back into my room and saw that Nat was asleep so I picked up a gun and made my way down, I turned a corner still pointing the gun just to be met by Kate screaming shocked seeing the gun in my hand and Yelena instinct kick in and she grabbed her knife from her waist, when I saw it was them I put the gun on safe mode and placed it on the top shelf "What the hell" Kate screamed at me and I went and took Natalia who was in her hand looking confused "Just a reminder my baby is wanted by some men who wants to sell her so when I wake up and don't see her I'm gonna worry what the hell are you two doing by the way?" I asked them "We came to wake you up so we could start preparing for Nat's birthday but when we came in Natalia was crying and I decided to let you get at least an hour more sleep" Kate said and Yelena nod "Thoughtful but still just a reminder you can't just take Natalia" I said and held up my shirt a bit and started feeding her "Why didn't you wake Nat?" Yelena asked "What?" I responded "If you thought someone had taken Natalia why didn't you wake Nat?" She asked again "Because in the back of my head I was saying it's possible Kate has her and also if it was a false alarm which it is I didn't want to wake Nat yet, Also the first gunshot or shuffling/things breaking Nat heard she would have been done here in a second" I responded and Kate nod.

We shrugged off what just happened and Started preparing what we were gonna do for Natasha, Yelena and Kate made breakfast while I ran out to the store to go pick up her presents, decoration and cake.
It's getting pretty late to the time when Nat usually wakes up so Natalia and I left and both got ready and I sat on the bed feeding her while eating a sandwhich and a couples minutes later Nat started stirring awake and she stretched her hand out and rested it on my thigh and then pulled her self into me more and rested her head on my thigh "Good morning beautiful" I said stroking her hair "Good morning my two favorite girls" she responded and I smiled "Happy Birthday Tasha" I said and she smiled and sat up and kissed my head and Natalia's head "Thank you baby" she responded and then got up "Where are you going?" I ask her "You two lovelys are dressed looking pretty so I'm gonna go bathe" she said and I smiled while she walked into the bathroom.

She got into something similar to what Natalia and I was wearing and came over to us and kissed me and I put on a sad face "What's wrong?" She asked cupping my cheek "I was so busy with Natalia that I didn't get to plan anything for your birthday" I lied and she chuckled "Babe that's okay we can spend the day together just watching television, Y/N you already gave me the best present and nothing can top it" she said taking Natalia and I giggle "Aww" I said and she smiled "Let's go get breakfast" she suggested and I got up and held her hands.

"SUPRISE!!" Kate and Yelena shouted and it accidentally scared Natalia and she clung to Nat crying "Oh shit sorry" Kate apologized and I took Natalia rubbing her back and she calmed down "Surpise" I said softly and Nat chuckled, The living room was filled with balloons and presents and breakfast and Natasha came and kissed me and then put her hand around my shoulder and turned to Kate and Yelena "Also thank you guys" she said and we sat down to eat breakfast "What other tricks do you have up your sleeve Mr *I didn't do anything for your birthday* Guy" she said and I giggled "Unfortunately there isn't any more but I did plan that we binge watch your favorite show" I said and she smiled "Great" she said excited.

We spent majority of our day doing stuffs together playing cards, Nat insisted we have a photo shoot because Natalia turned One month, two days ago and I agreed, after that we both went upstairs with Natalia and Natasha and I binge watch her favorite series.

Natasha fell asleep about six episodes in and I was grateful, now I can go help Kate and Yelena fix the surprise party,"She's sleeping?" Yelena asked and I nod and went and gave Kate a sleeping Natalia not wanting to leave her in the room for her to cry and wake Natasha "So let's finish up" I said while taking up some decorations.

We finished rather quickly seeing as Nat's still asleep and we all went and took a shower and I got Natalia dressed in a really pretty dress and soon enough guest started arriving first Wanda then Carol, Maria,Tony, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Bucky,Clint and his wife and some other of Nat's *friends* who we trust.

When everyone arrived we told them the plan and then I walked upstairs and Woke Nat up.

Natasha's POV

I woke up to Y/N gently shaking me and Looked at her and smiled "Where are you going looking this beautiful?" I asked her smirking "We are both going out to a restaurant, Kaite offered to watch Natalia so go get ready we are late" she said and I kissed her and ran to the bathroom.

I came out and saw a dress on the bed and a note *Hurry and put this on I'm downstairs feeding Talia", I read the note and quickly slipped into my dress and I walked downstairs to see the lights off and I reached for my knife that was strapped to my leg under the dress and when I reached the bottom of the stairs the lights flickered on "SURPISE" Everyone shouted and I quickly put the knife behind me and Y/N walked over to me and kissed me while she secrectly took the knife and put it in the strap (not that kind of strap 😏) she had on under her dress and I spun her around and everyone cheered "Happy Birthday Natty" she said and I smiled "Thank you" I said and Kate brought Natalia over to us and she had the prettiest baby dress ever, I took her from Kate and I started rocking her smiling "You're so pretty, were you in on mommy's secret birthday party" I said to her smiling and she smiled back and moved her hand and Y/N giggled.

I went around thanking everyone for coming while they gave gifts and wished me a Happy birthday and talk about how cute Natalia is, I eventually met back up with my wife and again thanked her, "You out did yourself baby" I said and she smiled "all thanks to Yelena and Kate as well" She responded and I looked and spot Yelena "I'll be back" I said kissing her cheek.

"Спасибо" I said and she smiled "Your welcome big sister" she responded chuckling "Isn't the music a bit too loud for Natalia?" She asked "It was okay a few minutes ago but it does sound like the volume increased" I said looking around for who's controlling the music and my eyes landed on Melina "Did you invite her?" I asked Yelena and she shook her head "I didn't maybe Y/N did" she said and I nod and walked over to Y/N "Did you invite Melina?" I asked her and she nod "Melina was the only one who looked out for me when I worked for your father, also that day she did try to help and you have never spoken bad about Mel so I thought it was okay to invite her, I'm sorry I should have asked first" she apologized and I lifted up her chin "Baby it's okay and you are right Melina and I are okay, She was always a great help, especially when my mom died, I thought you didn't like her so I never brought it up to invite her anywhere" I said and she let out a breathe "OK good because I didn't want you to be mad at me" she said and I held her cheek and kissed her "I could never be mad at you" I said and she smiled and Mel walked over to us "Natasha, Y/N dear" she said and her and Y/N hugged and then I hugged her and she looked at Natalia "Would you like to hold her?" I asked and she nod quickly and I gave Talia to her "What's her name?" She asked "Natalia" Y/N answered and she smiled.

The rest of the night went by pretty fast, I had a couple of drinks, dances with Y/N and I caught up with some old friends, and Clint and I got to talking filling in each other on the things we missed, Most people went around giving speeches, wishing me a happy birthday and I thanked them and Y/N and I cut the cake, Throughout the night Melina gladly offered to hold Natalia and at first I was hesitant but Yelena promised to stay by their side, The party was over late and I offered Mel a guest room for the night and I thanked everyone for coming, I thanked Kate and Yelena, and Y/N, Natalia and I went up to our rooms together.

"Again thank you so much for today" I said and kissed Y/N and went to pull away when she deepened the kiss and came and sat on my lap and then we pulled away and she caught her breath and kissed me again and I moved my hands to her waist and we both pulled away out of breathe "Is Kate still up for watching Natalia" I asked smirking looking in the direction of Natalia's room "Definitely" she responded and texted Kate and kissed me again.

1748 Words

Here's a long chapter for you loves
Sorry it took me so long
Happy pride month to all of you 💗💜💙🏳️‍🌈

And Also I have a one shot book so go check it out and send in request 😊

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