Chapter 14 - Aside

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Eren began to notice more and more why Y/N wasn't treated like a newcomer: she was smart as hell. When he found out that she was on the mission planning team, he was surprised she was a cadet just like him. But Eren was in the top ten...

- Y/N, can I ask a question?

- Yeah...

One day they were sitting in the library: Eren was reading some reports about the previous missions of the Survey corps, while Y/N, as usual, was trying to read three books at once.

- Why didn't you want to be in the top ten?

- What for? You do realize that the only advantage that top ten cadets get is the privilege of joining the military police. I never wanted to join the military police. Therefore, I never climbed forward, never gave 100%, never shouted out answers in class. I could do a lot better, but what was the point. I did enough to stay in the cadet corps. That was enough to become a scout. And if I got into the top ten, I would only take away from someone the dream of joining the military police.

- «And again you took care of another person's dreams», Eren laughed.

Y/N just gave him a skeptical look and turned back to her books. During the time that they spent together, and it was a lot of time, he began to understand her much better. And he began to understand why Armin didn't want to tell her about his feelings. She was too focused on her goals, sometimes forgetting about herself. This delighted Eren, but he couldn't understand why she was acting like that. There must be some reason why she lives only for this purpose... He himself lived only for the goal of destroying the titans, but... He lost everything, and she... What happened to her? He could always wonder what was in her head, but it seemed to him that he would never know, and she would never tell him.

A whole month flew by. As the scouts who went to the Commander for the ceremony of entry of newcomers into the Survey corps later said, there were those few who joined the Survey corps. This news raised the morale of the scouts. In developing the plan for the Scouting mission, the participation of recruits was taken into account, who were assigned the role of escorting spare horses. Also, each recruit was required to be in a group with experienced scouts, so that in the event of an attack by the titans, there would be no panic. However, all recruits trained separately, because the castle was only the headquarters for the Levi's squad and the place of Eren's temporary detention, which was agreed with the Commander-in-chief.

On the day before the start of the 57th Exterior Scouting mission outside the walls, all the scouts involved in the mission headed to Calaneth for final preparations. They stopped near the entrance to Calaneth. There was one of the bases of the Survey corps, there were barracks, stables, training grounds - everything to accommodate a large number of military personnel. Levi's squad, along with Y/N and Eren, arrived in Calaneth before another scout group, which just included recruits. Y/N was helping Eren with the horses when the Commander arrived along with Captain Levi.

- Y/N, I need to talk to you alone.

- All right, Commander Erwin.

They left the stables from the opposite side, from where the Commander and Levi came to them. In front of them was only a fence enclosing the territory of the base, and fields of already ripe wheat, which would soon begin to be harvested.

- Y/N, you stay. You will not go over the walls with us tomorrow.

- What?! Why?! But I'm already attached to the group and...

- You're staying. I don't want you to get hurt.

- But I didn't join the Survey corps to sit out while others...

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