Volume 6: He's Just a Toy

Start from the beginning

"You've changed, Horikita."

"Some things can't stay the same."

"As I said, I'll honor your request. In case of unforeseen circumstances, though, I'd like to add one provision to our arrangement. As long as they have your permission, Horikita, I'll disclose information to those asking to see the questions. Is that okay?" Chabashira-sensei asked.

"Yes, as long as I'm present at the time," said Horikita.

"Of course. Someone might lie about having your permission, after all. In the event that someone comes looking for the questions, well, I'll tell them everything you said. As a teacher, I can't lie." Chabashira-sensei said.

Horikita breathed a sigh of relief. Something had finally gone right. This plan was foolproof, and should've precluded all the underhanded tricks like what we saw in the sports festival. Even if someone tried to pay to see the questions, it wouldn't be allowed. 

Unfortunately for Horikita, we intervened.

Everything was going smoothly. The test questions that Horikita, Sakayanagi-kun and Hirata had devised were undoubtedly very difficult, and Horikita had put preventative measures in place to ensure that they didn't leak. Even if Kushida tried to obtain the answers for Ryuuen, she'd need Horikita's presence and approval. Everything was rock solid. No holes anywhere.

Chabashira-sensei solemnly accepted the test questions and motioned for us to leave. Still, Ryuuen's resolute attitude felt off—something about the fact that he didn't seem flustered at all.

"Let's head on back, Ayanokouji-kun. Our business here is finished."

I ignored Horikita and looked into Chabashira-sensei's eyes instead. She stared at me in return. 

You should see it Horikita, or else your expulsion is pretty much guaranteed.

I couldn't say anything in front of Ryuuen. Horikita started to walk away, then immediately stopped dead in her tracks.

"Chabashira-sensei. You said that you wouldn't lie, didn't you?"

"That's right. That's required of me, as a teacher." She replied.

"In that case, will the school accept the questions I just submitted to you?"

Horikita had noticed. She'd figured it out herself.

"Not until we confirm that there isn't anything abnormal about them." Chabashira-sensei replied.

"What's the matter, Horikita?" I asked.

Horikita didn't pay any attention to me. 

"Let me rephrase that. Have you already accepted other test questions?"

Our teacher became quiet. 

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'd like to hear the answer from your own lips, Chabashira-sensei."

"My response is that the school already accepted and finished reviewing questions from Class B."

I held myself back from judging. For all I know, Horikita is a great actress.

"So...does that mean someone else already submitted test questions and answers?" Horikita asked.

"Correct. The school won't use the questions you just handed me." Chabashira-sensei said.

"Please cancel acceptance of the previously submitted test questions. I have the correct ones here." Horikita said, pointing to the manila envelope.

"Unfortunately, Horikita, I already finished reviewing another student's questions. That student shared similar concerns. They wanted me to keep the questions secret, too. This student said that, in the event that another student selfishly showed up and asked to change the problems, I should merely accept the new questions and hold on to them. They also wanted me to tell them who asked to swap those questions afterward." Chabashira-sensei said.""

Classroom of the Elite: An Inferior Genius(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now