Chapter 22

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook walked toward the orphanage. Jin and Taehyung kept talking to each other, leaving Jungkook all bored behind who just listened to their talks.

" Here in this village, you would hardly find any skincare products! That's a shame to my handsome face. I can't take care of my face that much." Jin cried out.

" What products do you use?" He continued asking Taehyung.

" Oh me? I just use Estee Lauder. That really makes my skin looks smooth and glowy." Taehyung replied proudly.

" Oh my God really!? It's the best brand in the world!" Jin exclaimed.

" I know right! At first, I didn't think much about skincare, so I used different products from olay, clinique, and Neutrogena, and they did well for my skin too, but the current products work the best for me." Taehyung told him as a matter of fact.

" Aww, I am so jealous!" Jin pouted.

" Don't worry Jin hyung! Now that I know you like skincare, I am gonna gift you the best products out there!" Taehyung said with excitement.

" Wah, you are such a good kid! Jungkook should learn from you!" Jin complimented him.

" Hehe thank you," Taehyung replied back and giggled.

" Wait... why am I included in your conversation!?" Jungkook asked when his name was suddenly taken in the conversation.

" I forgot you were even here, lol," Jin said which made Taehyung and Jungkook cringe at him.

" Jin hyung, never ever use 'lol' in real life again," Jungkook said.

" I will, you got any problems?" Jin asked him sassily and all Jungkook could do was roll his eyes.

" Do whatever you please," Jungkook said and looked the other way.

" So what about-"

And in this way, Jin and Taehyung continued talking till they reached the school.

After they entered the classroom, the children looked so excited to see new people arrive.

" Kookie oppa!" " Kookie hyung!" 

They all were excited to see Jungkook here after a long time and Jungkook was equally excited too.

" Hello people!"

" Go back to your seats! Come on, sit in proper order." Jin told them making all of them pout.

" But teacherrrrr!" They all whined which was too much for the three boys' hearts.

" Stop whining and do as I say." But Jin was experienced, so he didn't fall into their trap.

They all did as they were told.

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