Chapter 63

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

Jungkook came here at our mansion three days ago and I tried to ignore him all the time. He really made an attempt for me to notice his presence but I just don't want him near me. I can't forgive him after all that he has said to me. I am tired of getting hurt again and again. And I'll happily get hurt by others than Jungkook. It just hurts me the most when it is him.

I heard a knock on the door and I started working again as I had spaced out for a minutes. I let the person know that he had my permission to enter not knowing it was Jungkook himself. I had ignored him for three days yet he is here again? 

Then I got to know that he had brought that one outfit which I had liked back in that village. The piece of work was stunning; everything in that outfit was handmade from top to the bottom. The color-scheme and design were amazing too.

But I didn't take that outfit. I didn't want anything that reminds me of him. Well who was I kidding to? Everything just reminded me of him. Why is it so difficult to get over him? I've got over so many people before that I should do better in forgetting him but I just can't.

I watched him walk away with the bag, my internal self screaming to get the outfit and push the man who bought it out of the room but I stopped myself.

As soon as he walked out of the room and closed the door, I jumped on the bed and buried my face in the pillow, screaming because I really, really wanted that outfit. As I lifted my head, I noticed the plushie he had given me before.

Punching it once as I imagined him, I felt my frustration cool down. I started walking towards the door to take a stroll outside and meet Jisung to know what was going on with him and Hoseok.

But when I reached at the door, I noticed that bag kept there. I took it in my hands smiling as brightly as I could. Even if I dislike Jungkook, but not taking this fine piece is a sin.

I went back and kept the bag in my cupboard, deciding to wear it after Jungkook goes away from here.


It's been now a few days since he is here. I just don't understand why he doesn't go away! I tried to be as rude as I can and even ignored him pretty much all the time but he comes waddling towards me again and again. What the fuck is his problem!? When I tried being close to him, he pushed me away and now when I am going away from him he just doesn't stop making attempts towards me!

I had enough. He has hurt me bad and all he should receive back from me is hatred. Love isn't something made for me and I have already learnt this lesson many times. Even though Jungkook was the first person I fell in love with, I have dated a few boys and girls before. No one from them has ever loved me back.

So I started being a little more harsh than before. The past few days I was going easy on him. I didn't want to hurt him by any of my words. I tried my best to not show that I still care and worry for him. I couldn't show him that I still am weak for him.

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