Chapter 74

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Jungkook wanted to announce his and Taehyung's relationship to everyone back at their house, he really did, but to say that he was scared would be an understatement.

Normally, two people go on a date, fall in love, confess their feeling and then stay in a relationship for sometime before meeting each other's family. But Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship was completely different. They both became enemies, fell in love, went on ' challenges' instead of dates and confessed even though they already knew they loved each other. Now, he has to meet Taehyung's family on the first day of their relationship and knowing his protective brothers, he rather not tell them soon.

" Let's wait before we tell them please? We'll know each other better first, we'll make our relationship stable before telling them, okay?" He requested his boyfriend who looked back at him with a pout.

" But my brothers love me so much. They will be angry if I don't tell them." Taehyung mumbled but now that he was in a relationship with Jungkook, he had to think from his side too.

" We'll wait for a week or two, okay? When you are ready, you can tell me. We'll both announce our relationship." Taehyung told him, making Jungkook nod in agreement.

" And you Mr. Park Jisung. A single word and you're dead, you get it?" He passed his best friend a death glare.

" Excuse me Mr. Kim Taehyung? Are you accusing me of being loose-lipped?" He squinted his eyes at Taehyung who shrugged in response.

" I don't think I need to remind you how you used to spill my secrets 'by mistake'."  

" Come-on I was young back then! I made a few mistakes okay!? You don't have to say it like that!" He retorted.

" What do you mean by 'back then'? Bitch a few months ago, you told Kook about the things I was scared off!" Taehyung scoffed and reminded him of the time they were in that village.

" And why was that? It was because you involved me in those silly pranks of yours which almost caused me to clean his room and do all his work! Why would I do that if I had my easy way out!" Jisung fought back, making his point.

" So you would sell your best friend's secret for that!? You don't deserve a best friend like me!!" Taehyung exclaimed in disbelief.

" Of course I deserve better! I am breaking up with you Kim Taehyung! I no longer need someone like you!" Jisung announced making Taehyung gasp in horror.

" You are breaking up with me just because I showed you the truth!? You-"

" Stop it both of you. So dramatic!" Jungkook butted in their fights, making them stop.

" Don't come between us!" They both shouted together and then glared at each other.

' I ain't ever travelling alone together with these best friends! I can't handle them alone!' Jungkook internally cried.

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