Chapter 41

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

" What was so unexpected for you??" Jungkook asked him with confusion.

" You accepted that you missed me in my presence, that is unexpected!" Taehyung exclaimed.

" Ok then, I take back my words," Jungkook said casually making Taehyung widen his eyes.

" Hey! You can't take it back!!" Taehyung said with haste.

Jungkook chuckled. He knew where Taehyung was coming from. If Taehyung suddenly said that he missed Jungkook, he himself would be shocked. Like, who says ' I miss you' to their ene-

Enemy? Jungkook isn't sure if he could use that for Taehyung anymore. Because these days Taehyung and Jungkook have got a 'little' closer and Jungkook accepts that.

Then what are they? What should he name their relationship? 

" Let's forget about that... but tell me, did I do something wrong? Why weren't you talking to me?" Jungkook asked him genuinely.

" Yes, you did something extremely wrong. Specifically, you said something wrong." Taehyung said.

Jungkook tried to think of what he did wrong but he just couldn't think of anything. Isn't Taehyung the one to always start teasing him?

" I... I don't remember what wrong I did..." Jungkook said and showed his innocent doe eyes to Taehyung.

Taehyung internally whined.

' Bunny hybrid, why don't you just kill me? Please stop acting so cute but hot at the same time. Now how can I act serious when you look at me like that.'

" You always called me rich an-"

" Because you ARE rich, aren't you?" Jungkook cut him off. Taehyung threw him a glare, making him shut up.

" You want me to talk or should I just go?" Taehyung asked him and Jungkook gestured to zip his mouth.

" You always say that I act as if I am greater than you just because I am rich. But try to remember, did I ever call myself rich and greater than you? That day at the market when we went shopping or at the university canteen, you always said something related to my money or status. Sometimes I wonder, do you look at me that way too? A rich guy who just knows to show off his money? At the market, I didn't buy so many clothes for you to show how rich I am, I bought them because you really looked good in them. I bought them with only good intentions. But you never once wore any of them. Well... whatever. I think you won't ever understand me." Taehyung said.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung as if he was trying to see through him. 

" I am sorry," Jungkook said and took a step forward, getting closer to Taehyung.

" I was just... I guess too frustrated over your words that your mere presence used to ignite a fire of anger within me. I would never want to hurt your feelings like that, really. I won't ever say anything about your money or status. I am really really sorry, please talk to me again." Jungkook apologized with all his heart.

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