Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

" Joonie hyung~" Taehyung whined for the umpteenth time to Namjoon, who was busy in his thoughts.

" At least tell me what got you thinking so much? Is there any problem with your work? Do we have to go back? To be honest I want to go back but I am having a lot of fun here." Taehyung said and giggled evilly thinking about annoying the bunny hybrid even more.

" What got me thinking... Hmm," Namjoon went into deep thoughts as he started explaining to Taehyung about what happened earlier this morning when they were away at the university.


Namjoon was walking down the calm road of the village while reading a book on business studies. He was so engrossed in the book that he didn't notice a small figure coming his way and he bumped into the person.

It was a kid who was about to go to school. Namjoon stared at the kid so intensely that the kid thought he was about to scold him.

So the poor kid started crying.

" Wahhh!" He cried so loudly that Namjoon panicked. He didn't mean to scare off the little kid, but he was just a 'little' bit angry that his book went into a puddle. The book was very hard to get because it had very few copies in the world which was all sold out but well, to his bad luck, he won't be able to read it anymore.

" Hey kid stop crying. I am not going to scold you but you should still say sorry to me." Namjoon said and stood up.

Namjoon was so tall and buffed that the kid got scared even more.

" Wahh! U-Uncle s-scwary!!" He cried his throat out which made Namjoon sigh.

What can he even expect a child to do? He decided to walk away when he heard shouting.


He turned around to see a beautiful man coming his way with a stick in his hand. Wait... Why is there a stick in his hand!?

The beautiful man picked the child up and dusted his clothes.

" You okay there little one?" The man asked in a soft voice as he dusted off the little boy's clothes.

The boy hiccuped and nodded.

" Yes t-teacher K-Kim... b-but u-uncle scwary!" He pointed out at Namjoon and hugged the beautiful man.

The man glared at Namjoon who raised his hands up showing a sign that he surrendered.

" You have school, right? Come on now run! I'll give you a choco later!" The man smiled which had Namjoon mesmerized for the first time.

The beautiful, model-like man was so kind-hearted, just like his brother. Namjoon's eyes softened at the thought of his brother who apparently, loved kids too.

" Why the hell are you smiling creepily?" The man asked him, folding his arms.

" Oh... Uh, nothing... I'll go now." Namjoon said and was about to walk away again when he was pulled by his shirt harshly. The man pulled him towards a bench and made him sit there.

" That was harsh. Nobody pulled me like that." Namjoon said and straightened his wrinkled clothes.

" That's why I did." The man said. " First of all sit properly or I have to use this stick too." The man said.

Namjoon looked at the stick and gulped.

' The kid called me scary, but this man is scarier. Help me, someone!" He internally cried at the situation he was in. He only wanted to have a good time reading his book and enjoy nature here.

He immediately sat up, his hands on his thighs.

" Good." The man approved his obedience. " No one can disobey this worldwide handsome." He said and Namjoon chuckled at that.

" Did you chuckle? Does that mean you are making fun of my handsome face!? Yah! No one ever disrespects my face like that you got it!? You are one of those lucky people who get to witness my beauty and talk to me! Well, who am I talking to, you dimple man! Answer me! You got the guts to scare a child in my watch!? No way that is going to happen! You see these worldwide shoulders!? They are very capable of picking you up and throwing you out of the world! Why are you so quiet? Answer me!" The man started scold-rapping.

" I will talk if I get a chance to," Namjoon said.

" You are talking back at me!? You.."

And in this way, Namjoon had to hear the man's scolding as an obedient boy, because who knows, if he said something, the man would never stop.


Namjoon completed his story and looked at Taehyung for his reaction. Taehyung just stared at him and then-

" Pft- Hahahahahaahahahah" He burst out laughing loudly.

" S-Someone got the guts to s-scold you!" He said as he laughed his heart out imagining his brother listening to the man like an obedient puppy.

"It's not funny bear," Namjoon said with a small pout that was nearly invisible.

Taehyng looked at his hyung and smiled teasingly.

" You should now break up with your bonsai plant and find that man for you."


I wanted to make the Namjin couple meet in a unique way. Of course, Taekook is the main ship and most of the book is about them but I will add a few chapters for side ships too!!

Rich Brat | KOOKV | ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum