Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

The next morning was completely opposite from yesterday. The boys who were laughing and running behind each other yesterday went back to the boys they were before. Always bickering.

They were currently having their breakfast in silence as Jungkook's mom scolded them. But soon they heard the bell ring.

" I guess Hobi and Jin hyung are here!" Jimin said with excitement and went to open the door.

He came back with two guys with him. Namjoon knew Hoseok, but when he saw the other one, he choked.

" Oh Namjesus! You okay Joonie hyung?" Taehyung asked and passed him a glass of water.

Namjoon nodded and gulped down the water quickly. But when he saw back again, their eyes met.

And Jin wasn't even one percent happy seeing Namjoon here.

" What is that dimple man doing here?" Jin asked narrowing his eyes at Namjoon who smiled awkwardly. 

What was he going to do in a situation where the person who was continuously on his mind was suddenly standing in front of him?

" He is my friend's son Jin. How do you know him?" Mr. Jeon asked with confusion.

As far as he knows, Jin and Namjoon never met before. Or did they?

" Uncle you won't believe what this man did! He scared a little child!" Jin said and started telling them the whole story.

" Poor Namjoon hyung, he must have listened to Jin hyung's scold-rap for hours." Jungkook felt sorry for Namjoon because he knows what Jin would do when he is angry at someone.

" So you are that person who is constantly on my hyungie's mind?" Taehyung asked him directly making Namjoon and Yoongi choke on their saliva.

" What!?" They both asked in horror, looked at each other, and then back at Taehyung.

" Joonie hyung, I have seen you continuously spacing out the past days. You can't hide anything from me!" Taehyung teased him and looked at Jin who was red, not in anger this time, but due to embarrassment and shyness.

Of course, how was he going to react when he knew someone as good-looking as Namjoon liked him?

" Taebear, please stop talking." Namjoon smiled, his eyes shooting daggers at Taehyung. 

" Yoonie please take this 'dimple man' away from me! I will tell you the whole story I promise!" As soon as Taehyung said this Yoongi pulled Namjoon away from there and sat between them.

" Okay wait... Everything is sooo confusing. Please tell us too Taehyung!" Jimin requested him and Taehyung nodded.

He told them the complete story which Namjoon told him which made everyone present there to laugh.

Well, except for Namjoon and Jin who looked shy and embarrassed about the whole situation.

" Well Jin hyung, I have to accept that you are handsome." Taehyung started and Jin looked at Taehyung in an instant.

" I know right! Only you appreciate true beauty! You have good eyes!" Jin praised, but to whom, was something you have to figure out on your own.

" Of course I do! Well, we have a lot to talk about! You have to share your skincare routine with me!" Taehyung said.

Well, he was trying to get close to his brother-in-law. Was he doing something wrong? Of course not!

" You already have good skin. By the way, I just noticed! You are handsome too, well after me duh!" Jin said flipping his hair sassily, not noticing a 'dimple man' looking at him, trying to figure out why his heart was beating so loudly.

" Yes, you are right! You are worldwide handsome!" Taehyung buttered him up and Jungkook rolled his eyes which Taehyung noticed.

Jin was so happy when Taehyung called him worldwide handsome so he was about to talk when Taehyung cut him again.

" Jin hyung this bunny hybrid rolled his eyes when I called you worldwide handsome!" Taehyung complained making Jungkook widen his eyes.

Jin glared at Jungkook making him gulp.

" Did. You. Roll. Your. Eyes?" Jin continued glaring and walked towards him.

" W-wait... J-Jin hyung...this a-alien... Where is everyone?" Jungkook turned around just to find all his family members gone.

" So you mean to say I am not worldwide handsome?" Jin asked him raising his eyebrows.

" No!" Jungkook said and was about to continue when Jin cut him.

" No!? You are saying that I am not a worldwide handsome!? Are you blind or are you blind? You.." Jin started yell-rapping at Jungkook who internally cried.

He knew that Jin wasn't going to stop any sooner.

' You just wait you alien!'


You guys don't have to worry about the other ships. I will introduce them slowly. As I said, the main ship is Taekook so the focus would be mostly on them but the side ships are there too. And I am trying to make the side ships as interesting as I can!

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