Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Third Person POV

A boring Monday morning with boys busy at the university. Their exams were about in a month or so, hence a lot of projects were coming up. But the happy news was that they were also going to a camp in two days. 

Taehyung was walking to the cafeteria to have his lunch when he saw Jimin walking by.

" Mochi hyung! Wait for me!" He called him, making Jimin notice his presence.

Jimin stopped till Taehyung caught up with him and they both were walking to the cafeteria talking about some things. They were so caught in the talks that they didn't notice a group of boys coming their way.

Taehyung bumped into one of them, who pushed Taehyung harshly. Taehyung winced a little in pain.

" Can't you see ahead and walk!?" The boy asked making Taehyung roll his eyes.

Mr. Han would've taught the boy a good lesson if Taehyung wouldn't have stopped him.

" I'll handle this dirt myself even though I don't have time for people like him," Taehyung said which was quite audible to all of them.

The boy in front of him chuckled.

" You are calling me a dirt?" He asked him, and the next moment he grabbed Jimin's hair.

" This piece of shit here is dirt. Fucking gay. Or maybe, even you are one of that trash." The boy said, pulling Jimin's hair who screamed in pain.

" Oh even if we are, are you the trash collecter? Because it seems like you pick on them a lot." Taehyung asked him folding his arms.

" Leave my hyung. You don't know what I am capable of." Taehyung said.

" Oh! Kim Taehyung! What is a fucking rich boy doing here? Did your father take all your cards?" He smirked at him making Taehyung smirk back.

" You don't have to worry about my money. I still have much left in my account which is more than the sum of all of yours into 10 times.....maybe even more than that." He said. " I won't repeat again. Leave. My. Hyung!"

" What now? You gonna call your dad? Cry to him and tell him about me?" The boy teased him making the others laugh, still not leaving Jimin.

" That's exactly what I am gonna do. Maybe I will even make sure that none of you have a future." Taehyung said. " But before that, I have to teach you all an idiom." He continued.

He walked forward and pulled the boy's hair and then kicked his crotch.

" Oh fuck!" He yelped in pain.

" Now why are you making this constipated face? Feeling the pain?"

Taehyung kept on pulling his hair and the other boys felt as if the hair would be pulled out any moment. They wanted to attack, but Mr. Han's glare was enough for them to know that they should just watch what was going on.

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