Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Jimin was walking downstairs as quickly as he could because he had to submit a project which was due today.

He was late to complete the project and if he doesn't reach the university on time, he can't submit the project. And this project carries a lot of points which he definitely can't miss.

His eyes were down on the path so he didn't notice someone coming his way.

* Thud*

He crashed into someone, his sheet of the project spreading all over the place. He looked at them in horror and started collecting them quickly.

" I'm sorry. Let me help you." The guy said and started helping Jimin.

He then passed the collected sheets to him. Jimin finally looked up to see who it was.

" I-It's alright. And thank you." Jimin said, his words stuttering because he was on the verge of crying.

He started arranging his sheets, which would probably take a lot of time but he didn't have any option.

Yoongi just watched everything in silence. He saw the stress and worry in Jimin's eyes. He then looked down at the sheets on which he found something about technology.

" May I help you?" He asked him softly, not wanting to make the boy cry because of him in any way. He isn't good in calming people down.

Jimin didn't say anything which made Yoongi think once again whether he should help or not. Finally, he made up his mind. Jimin had to make these sheets again due to him, so he has to help him.

He took the sheets from Jimin's hands who tried to protest but then left it as he didn't want his project to tear.

But when he saw Yoongi arranging the sheets, he widened his eyes.

Yoongi was arranging the sheets faster than he could. How was that even possible when Yoongi wasn't from his field?

" Here." Yoongi arranged the sheets on less than five minutes which had Jimin stunned because he would need probably ten minutes to make them back in their place.

" I usually help Namjoon in these works. I had a little experience over it so it was easy for me." He explained to him as he passed them back, when he saw confusion on Jimin's eyes.

" Oh." That was what Jimin could reply with.

" Let me drop you off. I bought a bike for myself. But don't tell this to Taebear or he would kill me." Yoongi said.

" Ah, there is no need. I will go by myself." Jimin said quickly, not wanting to trouble Yoongi anymore.

" I could see that you are in hurry. You don't want this to happen again, do you?" Yoongi asked him, referring to the project.

Jimin thought for a while but then gave in.

" I am sorry for the trouble." He said and Yoongi smiled at him.

" There isn't any. Let's go." He said and they both walked outside.

There was only one helmet with them. So Yoongi decided to give it to Jimin. He placed the helmet in Jimin's head, tying it properly.

Jimin's heart sped up at the action. Yoongi was the first person who came so close to him. And the second thing was that, he looked for Jimin's safety rather than his own.

" There. It is placed well." Yoongi said.

" Thank you." Jimin said shyly, thankful that the helmet was on his head so that Yoongi couldn't see his face.

Yoongi sat on the bike and started it.

" Sit." He told Jimin who gladly sat on the bike.

" Hold tight. I am gonna speed up." Yoongi said.

Jimin gulped, his heart couldn't take this much. He had watched Yoongi from afar so many days, wanting to know about him more. And now he is up close with him.

" Y-Yes." He stuttered in shyness and kept his hands on Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi looked at the hands once and then back at the road. And then he sped up his bike which was so fast that Jimin's grip went from his shoulder to down his waist.

Yoongi wasn't uncomfortable. But he was feeling something in his stomach.

On the other hand, Jimin was liking the rush of the bike. He was liking this speed. And more than that, he was up close with someone whom he always looked at from afar. Today's day couldn't be any better for him.

Finally they reached at the University. Jimin hopped down and tried to remove the helmet which seemed an impossible task.

Yoongi chuckled when he saw Jimin struggling.

He held Jimin's hand and led it to show him how it was done. And Jimin was thankful to the helmet once again.

Yoongi removed the helmet. They both stared at each other for some time before Jimin decided that his heart couldn't take it anymore.

He bowed quickly, thanking Yoongi once again and ran inside the university.

Yoongi watched his moments, chuckling at his cute behavior. But then he was startled by a voice.

" Didn't know you bought a bike for yourself, Yoonie."

Yoongi gulped, knowing that he was dead. He turned around, smiling awkwardly at his dear brother.

" Uh Taebear... W-What are you doing here?" He stuttered, not knowing what to say anymore.

He knew Taehyung didn't like to walk, but still he told Taehyung to do so, without telling him that he had bought a bike.

" Did you forget that this is my university too?" Taehyung asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Yoongi looked here and there not knowing what to do anymore.

" Oh I remember! I have a meeting right now. I have to go. Bye Taebear. Study well." Yoongi said quickly and wore his helmet and quickly went away.

" This hyung!" Taehyung said and then giggled.

" Ah! Both of my brothers got their partners. I am so happy for them." He smiled, looking at the path where Yoongi left, and then walked inside the university.

But he knew that his brothers wouldn't take a step further. So now, Kim Taehyung has to help.


Finally a Yoonmin chapter! Hope ya'll loved it.

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