Chapter 66

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Hailey's POV:

As we arrive at the parking lot of the orphanage Alex texts us not to get out of the car for a few minutes. After he gives us the sign we go out and walk over to them. I was shocked to see Vanessa so affectionate with the kids because she is never with us like that. She is more like a cold person when it comes to physical affection but with the kids, she is like someone else. Don't get me wrong it's not that Nessa is not a caring person or shows you not her love for you because she does, but she shows it more with her words. But sometimes words are not enough and she knows that however, she can't change it. We accept her as she is but I don't know how her boyfriend is coping with it. Because if Alex would not show this kind of affection I would feel like he is forced into this relationship. But okay I am a woman and my desires and needs are different than a man's. Still, I would want the affection from my partner.

As I look at Alex he looks so cute with the kids. I know that he will be a good father to our children. He thinks that he will not be a good father but he does not see himself with the kids but I see him! He looks over at me and we come eye to eye with each other and I can clearly see the love that he has for the kids. He smiles at me and I smile back at him and then he stands up and walks over to me. We both meet in the middle and he greets me with a kiss on my forehead and a hug. "¡Hola Hermosa Mujer!" "Hello, my handsome fiancé!" I say back to him. "How are you? How is our baby doing?" he asks. "We both are doing fine, just missed daddy that's all," I say in a kid voice. "I missed you both too! But now we are together," he says. He turns around to the kids and they are all occupied with their new toys. "Kids look who I brought with me!" the kids lift all their heads up and after they see us they all scream and run to each of us. Four little girls run to me and Alex. "Oh my God, you're Hailey Baldwin! We are such big fans. Not only because you are a model but also because you are the mother of Alex's child and his fiancè. Thank you that you make him happy again!" the elder girls tell me. I didn't know that they knew so much about me. "Girls, can I ask where you know all those information about me?" "Alex always tells us about you! Every time since day one he visits us. At first, he didn't say any name but after a certain time he told us that the person he is talking about is you!" she says. Wow, I didn't know about all of these.

After I talk with the girls a little more I join the rest of the girls and we talk for hours and also give them their gifts. Nothing in this world is more important than a smile from a little child. Sometimes I wish that the world would be controlled by kids because they are so much nicer and more respectful to each other. The adults have to learn a lot from the kids, if a child would control the world we would all live in peace on this planet. I'm 100% sure that children would do it much better than adults. As I am in my thoughts Kendall and Alex join me. "Mrs. Harper, why are you in deep thoughts? Are you thinking about baby number two?" Kendall asks me with a smirk on her face. She did that on purpose. I look at her and then at Alex and I can see the excitement in his eyes? Does he want a second child right after the first child or why is he grinning like an idiot? "No, I was thinking that if we would have let the children control the world we would have a better planet!" I say to them. Alex smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you to the infinity and beyond?" he asks me. "Eh let me think, I think I heard about it a few times but I'm not sure anymore!" "Well, then soon-to-be Mrs. Harper, I love you to the infinity and beyond!" he says and I blush. "I love you too" "Oh guys TMI you are aware that I'm still here!" Kendall says and we both laugh at their scrunched face. "Oh sorry Ms. I'm single forever but I love my man I have to tell him that whether you like it or not!" "Wait a minute single? What happened with Devin Kendall?" Alex asks with a serious tone. Oh oh, Kendall now you are in trouble.

"Can we talk about some other time because now it's not the time and the place to talk about it." Kendall says. "He did cheat on you again right?" he looks at her with curious eyes and she does not say anything and he gets his answer. "I'm going to kill for real this time!" I can sense how his anger is growing. "Babe can you calm down please, it's not the place to get angry! You can go and beat him later but right now we are with children and you can't be angry!" He looks at me and nods, he tries to cool down but without my help, he would never cool down, so I hold his hand and kiss him a few times, then I put his hands on my belly. After a while, he calms down "We are going to talk about it later! I am not done with this bastard!" He says and walks over to Nessa and the boys. I look at her and she looks back at me "Why did you have to tell him it yet?" I ask her "I don't know I thought you told him already because it is almost three weeks since we broke up! How should I know that you did not tell him??" She rolls her eyes at me. Sometimes I could punch Kendall in the face, don't get me wrong I love her like a sister but sometimes I hate her attitude and the things she says make me crazy and in moments like this I would love to punch her in the fucking face! "Whatever," I say and leave her alone. She has to learn that she can't always throw someone under the bus with her actions. I know that she is trying to learn from her mistakes but it is a slow process.

After the kids opened all their gifts and played with them, we all walked to the big room where all the food and drinks were standing. We told the kids to sit and that we would service them everything on their table because otherwise, we would have big chaos in this room. Right now we are servicing the food, the girls and I preparing the plates and the boys are bringing them to the tables. We also have other volunteers who are helping us with the food. After we are done serving the kids we prepare plates for the teachers, volunteers, and ourselves and join the children at the tables. We sit for a long time at the table and talk with the kids. It is almost their sleep time when we decide to go home, that is why we also bring the kids to bed and read them good night stories until they fall asleep and then we all leave the orphanage. Alex and I drive separately because I have to drive Kendall and Kylie home and he has to drive to the office with Veronica. He has to sign some documents and Veronica forgot them at the office that's why they both are driving to the office. After that, he will drive her home and come home.

I drive the girls home and we stop on our way in and out because I am pregnant and I am craving some in and out fries and burgers. We drive into the drive-through and order our food and milkshakes and then I park in the parking lot and we eat our food. Well, mostly I am eating because Kendall just ordered a Milkshake and Kylie ordered small fries with a Milkshake and she ate the fries already. And I am still eating my first burger and I have two left and I didn't touch my fries yet. Don't judge me I am a pregnant woman and I have bad cravings. I don't know how I will survive this pregnancy without getting too much weight. I think it will be impossible to survive it because I am constantly hungry and I am craving things every 20 minutes.

Three nights ago was the worst I craved at like three in the morning a Starbucks carrot cake with a Frappuccino but at three in the morning there was no open Starbucks in our suburb, so Alex had to drive for almost an hour to get me my cravings and drive the same way for an hour back. He came home and he didn't say anything but I could see that he was pissed as fuck. But he didn't say anything about it, he just gave me the carrot cake and the Frappuccino and went to bed and I ate and drank the stuff that he brought me. I had to make up to him and made him breakfast the next morning. He was a little bit happy but that didn't help much to please him so I had to act sweet and be cute. And then yesterday he forgave me because he couldn't without me so he had to forgive me!

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