Chapter 20

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The next morning
Alex's POV:

I got up with a phone ringing. It was my assistant I had to fly over to Los Angels. There was some emergency with a client that she couldn't handle. So I had to fly over last minute. I explained everything to Hailey and the girls and left immediately Paris. By the way that was my outfit because I would head straight to my office and have a meeting with my client so I decided to wear my outfit already here.As I was sitting in the jet I texted Hailey:

Hi, baba,
I'm sorry that I had to leave you after an amazing night. I know that we would have even an amazing morning if I hadn't been in L.A. but I promise you once I'm back or you are here with me. I hope you forgive me. I'm going to make it up to you with something bigger and better than last night. I love you to eternity.

Love Alex

I hope she is not that mad at me. Because I would do anything right to be with her. But not everything can go like we want it. Sometimes the life that you want to live doesn't want you and some other times the life you live is not the life you want to live. It's called faith. And it has its way to fit in your life. Either you liked it or not.

7 hours later we landed in Los Angeles and I got immediately to my office. Before I arrived I called Veronica so she could give me a short briefing about the issue. So that I know a few things. The things she told me about the phone were brutal. I've never dealt with something like that in my entire career. That doesn't mean that I'm going to lose the case. It's rare to see me losing a case. Normally I am always on the good side and win but this time it's a bit completed. My new client is an Italian mafia boss. That's why I had to personally fly over and meet them.

As I arrived at my office everyone looked fearful and anxious. Are they so intimidating that every employee of mine is like that? I reached my level and the first thing I saw was a furious Veronica. Oh boy, it's not easy to make her angry so that means they are the worst of the worst. That should be fun.

"Veronica I don't know what they did or said to you but after this case, I promise you, you will get a week off from work." I hoped that this helped her to calm her nerves. She had this look in her eyes. Where you know no matter what you say I won't help her to calm down till she got what she wanted. So I didn't say anything else and walked into my room. 1 man was sitting on my chair and 5 men were around him.

"Hello, Mr. Harper it's good to finally meet you. I have heard a lot of things about you." "I hope you heard good things about me". "Well, I don't know if you could say good but it was not bad. I heard you lost till today just three cases in your entire career. That's impressive if you think that you are in this area for over 5 years and get per year over 30 clients. That means you are the best lawyer that I can get am I right?" "I don't think that I'm the best but I could race within the top 10". "So you say I could find a better lawyer than you?" "That's not what I said but in this state, you can't find a better one than me. Well, at least I believe so".

He turned around to one of his bodyguards and told him something: "Tempo di Ricerca se c'è un avvocato Migliore di Quello che potrei assumere" (Research if you can find a better lawyer than him that I could hire) "Capito Capo" I understand a little bit from their conversation because Italian and Spanish are similar languages.

"Mr. Ferrara you don't need to search for another lawyer. I will do your case even if I don't do cases like that. I will make an exception for you. But I warn you if you're not honest with me then there is a possibility that we could lose or even worse than that could be that I will drop your case. Every client of mine was till today brutally honest with me and that was their way to get success. So if you want to win this case you have to tell me every little detail about your life even the part that you don't tell your nearest person. You have to trust me or you can lose this battle." He looked me in the eyes with an intimidating gaze but I didn't even flinch a bit. I was serious about the things I said. I can't win something we're I don't know the smallest detail. The client may be thinking it's not important for the case but in fact, it could save his life. That's why I always want honesty from my clients. And the second reason is I hate it to get surprised on the court. I hate this feeling so much that I could kill the opponent's lawyer in moments like that.

The first thing he said was: "If I tell you everything about my job and doings I have to kill you in the end". "Okay, then I'm not going to be your lawyer Mr. Ferrera, I'm sorry" I think he didn't expect an answer like that from me but I'm not going to change the way I work for a mafia boss. I barely know anything about it him and also the things he is doing are saying that I should stay away from him. "Mr. Ferrera I don't want to be sound rude but if we are done here could you leave my building. Because I flight over here just to talk to you but I was on an important trip in Paris where I want to go back!" "Si Mr. Harper, we are done here. I wish you a good life and maybe we will see each other again who knows right?" "Yes, well you can leave whenever you want but I have to catch my flight" I looked at everyone and said bye and left. "Veronica call your husband and tell him he should pack you a bag and himself a bag and come within an hour to the airport's VIP section. I need you in Paris and you could have a vacation with your husband at the same time on your free days." She did what I told her.

We arrived at the VIP section and Aaron was already there waiting for us. "Hi, guys" he said. "Hello, Aaron it's nice to see you again. The reason why you're here is that I owed your wife a week off from work and I needed her in Paris with me for the next two days. So I decided to give her a vacation in Paris with just two days work-related and then you have all to yourself. I booked you the hotel and flight back and I'm going to pay for everything and I don't want any buts or something else okay?" "Mr. Harper I appreciate that gesture from you and want to thank you" "It's no problem, Veronica saved my life so many times I had to make it up to her". I said with a genuine smile and got on the jet.

We would fly for a little over 8 hours to Paris. Hailey has no idea that I will come back. Because I didn't even talk to her since I landed in Los Angeles. I just texted her that I landed safely and nothing else.

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