Chapter 34

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Alex's POV:

As I got downstairs the knock on the door was louder and the person behind the door was knocking on the door faster. Who could that be? I looked at my phone to see if someone called me but no one did. So that means the person is either for Hailey here or came directly to us instead of calling or texting. I opened the door and Kendall was standing with bloodshot eyes in front of me and she looked like she fucked two minutes ago. "Kendall, what happened? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" I looked at her worried. She didn't respond to my questions. Instead, she just hugged me and cried on my shoulder. Then she collapsed in my arms. "Hailey come fast downstairs it's Kendall and she collapsed in my arms!" I screamed and Hailey came downstairs running. "What happened??" "I don't know just close the door and call Mr. Gonzalez on my phone. Meanwhile, I will carry her in one of our guest bedrooms." I told her and left with Kendall in my arms Hailey in the living room.

Hailey joined us a few minutes later. Kendall didn't wake up. "Babe, what happened with her?" "I don't know I just opened the door and there was she standing with bloodshot eyes and she looked like she got fucked. But before she could respond to my questions she hugged me and collapsed in my arms." I told her. As we waited for Kendall to wake up the doorbell ringed. I got downstairs and opened the door. It was Mr. Gonzalez our family doctor. "Hola Señor Gonzalez." I greeted him. "Good night Señor Harper. Where is our patient?"
"She is upstairs" I told him and showed him the way to the room where Kendall was laying.

The doctor checked her up and gave her an infusion. "Doc what happened to her?" "Well, it looks like she fell exhausted and had a lack of sleep. That would explain the collapse. But it could be more than just the things I said. I gave her now an infusion and after the bottle is empty she should feel better and wake up. Then I could say more but for now, that's all I can say. I recommend you to go to a hospital after she wakes up or call me and I will come. But it would be better if you go to a hospital. They could check her completely up." he said. "Okay thanks doc, I will walk you to the door." as we walked downstairs I wanted to ask him but was afraid of the answer. Nonetheless, I asked him the question: "Doc do you think that she could get rapped or beaten up? And collapsed because of that?" his looks confirmed my question. "Honestly Alex that's why I recommend going to a hospital. I couldn't see any bruises or marks on her but she looks devasted and you told me that she had bloodshot eyes. I would consider it but I can't be sure about it. Like I told you go to a hospital and let her check-up." he told me.
"Okay, thanks Mr. Gonzalez, and sorry that we bothered you at this time." he nodded and left.
I closed the door and sighed. I hope that none of the things I think happened because if it happened I will find this guy and kill him with my bare hands.

I got upstairs and saw Hailey laying next to her. "Hey, babe are you okay?" I asked her. "I don't think so. I just want to know what happened to her and why she is refusing to wake up." "Hey hey calm down okay. Kendall will wake up any minute and don't think about bad things maybe she just really is exhausted and that's the reason why she collapsed. And maybe she came crying to us because she fucked a boy and he was the worst in bed and she cried because she spend 5 minutes of her life with a boy who couldn't fuck her good?" I told her that because I knew that she would laugh at this comment. And she did. "Yeah, maybe you're right." she looked at Kendall the whole time and waited for her to wake up.

It's currently 7 in the morning and Hailey did fall asleep two hours ago but I couldn't. The things Mr. Gonzalez told me and the thoughts I have are killing me right now. I couldn't close my eyes without not thinking about it. I just watched both of them sleeping together whilst I sat on the couch in the room. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Kendall woke up. She called my name a few times and then I notice it. "Hey good morning, how do you feel?" she looked around. "My head is banging and my arm is hurting." she looked at her arm and saw the needle that was connected to the infusion. "What happened?" she asked me. "You came in the middle of midnight to us and as I opened the door you were crying and collapsed in my arms. Do you remember any of that?" I asked her. She looked me in the eyes and shook her head but in the middle of shaking her head she stopped and she started crying. I think she remembers it. And then she nodded. Hailey was still sleeping and I'm thankful for that because I will ask Kendall a question and I don't know how her answer will to that question. And if she answers it like I think I don't want that Hailey hears it for now at least. I stood up from the couch and walked next to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed and hold Kendall's hands. "Ken I have to ask you a question. I don't know how much you remember from last night but I have to ask you that question. You don't have to answer any of that questions but if you would just shake or nod your head that would be helpful. Okay?" she nodded. "Did something bad happen last night?" she didn't answer this question. She just cried more. "D-did some- Did someone h-hurt you?" I asked her with an unsure voice of mine. She nodded. I felt how the anger and rage got up in me. "Oka-ay I have one more question and then we are do-done. Did someone... Did some- someone r-ra-rapped you?" she didn't react to the question. She throw herself in my arms and at that moment I knew that someone will die today. I tried to soothe her but it was no use because I cried myself. I had one question left. That's why I distance myself from her. As I was about to ask the question Hailey woke up. She was confused to see both of us crying. But she immediately understood what happened and embraced Kendall in a hug. I stood up from the bed and walked to the window. "Kendall I know I told you earlier that I was done with my question but I have to know w-" before I could ask her the question she spoke and said one name. "Devin" I was so furious right now. I would like to go to him now and beat him up but I know that I can't leave Kendall and Hailey like that. That's why I try to calm down.

After I calmed down I sat next to them. "He will pay for this Kendall don't worry. Hailey go into our room and grab for you and Kendall some clothes! Then get ready because we are going to a hospital and getting Kendall an assault report and after that, we are going to charge him for rapping and assault." she just nodded and came a few seconds later with fresh clothes back. "Can I shower?" "Sorry, babe you can't shower right now because if you shower his whole DNA will disappear. I know that you feel disgusting but you shouldn't. You shouldn't feel guilty. You are the victim and not the culprit. He should feel awful but believe me he doesn't."

I let the girls change in the guest bedroom and I got in my closet room and changed into a suit. I got downstairs and waited for the two girls meanwhile I called Veronica and told her that she has to do the paperwork for the charge. So that we can work fast. A few minutes later both girls came downstairs.

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"You ready to go?" I asked them and both and they nodded

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"You ready to go?" I asked them and both and they nodded. We got into my black range rover velar and drove out of the driveway.

20 minutes later we arrived at the hospital

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20 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Veronica was already waiting for us in front of the hospital. She greeted us and we walked together into the hospital. Veronica arranged a doctor who would do the tests without leaking anything about the situation. "How much do you trust that doctor Veronica?" I asked her. "I trust her with my whole life because she is my sister." she said and I nodded.
Veronica's sister greeted us and then Kendall and I walked into her room. I explained everything to her and warned her that nothing about this can go to the public eye. Then I left the room so that all tests could be done.

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