Chapter 45

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Alex's POV:

The model sits beside us at the table. "Do you mind if I just sit here until my friends arrive?" she asks us and Hope shakes her head. So we spend our date dinner with a third wheel. Who is supposed to not be here. "How did you guys even meet?" the model asks Hope. "We met at a neighborhood barbecue and clicked instantly." Hope answers. "Are you two together? Or why are you on a date? And do you even know that he got through a rough breakup and is maybe not available to give you his whole heart because he still has feelings for his ex-" "Isabella Khair Hadid that's enough!" I interrupt the model and raise my voice at her. "To answer your question we are not together and yeah that's our first date. And also she knows about Hailey and me." I say to the model. Isabella smirkes at me. "Does she really know that your ex-fiancé is the one and only Hailey Rhode Baldwin?" damn it Isabella why do you have to be here? "No, I didn't know," Hope says. Oh boy, I'm screwed. Because Hope adores Hailey as a model. They both worked together for some shooting and since then she is obsessed with her. The good part is that she doesn't know about me even if it's weird that she doesn't know about me. Because if you google Hailey Baldwin's boyfriend I will pop up. "Bella, can I talk to you a second before you ruin the whole night?" I say with gritted teeth.

"Bella, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you trying to ruin my date? And how do you even know that I would be here tonight?" she looks at me sheepishly. "Well a little bird told me that you will have a date in this restaurant and I was in the city for a little vacay and I thought I will give you and your "date" a visit!" she says. Vanessa, you are screwed that's for sure! "Okay but why?" "To be honest Alex I don't want you to see with a girl that is not Hailey. She may be cheated on you but Alex she is not happy without you." "Oh come on Bella I get my news from Kendall and she tells me that she is doing well with her new boyfriend!" "Alex you don't know a lot of things. It is not what it looks like. She is really devastated." she says and looks into my eyes with sincerity. "I don't care Bella I had the worst 7 months of my life and I survived it and got over it. So it's now her turn to get over with it!" I say. "Did you really get over her?" she asks me. Did I get over Hailey obviously not but I'm not going to tell her and prove to her that no matter how much time passes that I still love her. "Yeah, Bella I got over her!" I say and she tries to check my mimics and posture if I am lying or not. I suppose she believes me because she nods and leaves the restaurant without saying anything more.

Bella's POV:

I left the restaurant without saying anything because I know that he is lying. I can see still the love in his eyes towards Hailey. But he is just too stubborn to admit it. I call the girls and tell them everything. Obviously, Hailey is not in the group call. In the call are Kendall, Vanessa, Gigi, and Emily. I kind of feel bad to ruin the date. But sorry Hope you can't be his girlfriend or whatever you want to be.

Alex's POV:

After Bella left I got to Hope and told her that it would be best to cancel this date. To my luck, she agreed with me. So I drove her home and we decided to stay as friends because after Bella asked me the question. I noticed that I wasn't completely ready for a new relationship. As I got home I check the emails that I got from Veronica. I started working again last month. I thought that it is already time to get back to my old life without being in Los Angeles. I know that I have to move back someday sooner or later but I am pushing the day of my comeback further away. I can't face anyone right now. I noticed that when I saw Bella at the restaurant. I'm living right now a calm life and have nothing to worry about. And I'm aware that I want too much but it's just for a few weeks and then I will be back. I know that for sure.

9 months after the breakup

It's now 9 months and a few days since I left Los Angeles. It's 9 months since I left my whole life and the love of my life behind. I can not say that I'm happy about leaving them but I needed it. I needed me time after the breakup. It felt good to just worry about myself and not something else. These nine months were like a reborn for me. I discovered new sides of myself. I picked some new hobbies. I started writing music and started drawing. I came to the conclusion that I was good at both of these newfound hobbies. I can not say that these nine months were the best months of my life because they were anything but the best. However, I've learned so much in this short time about life, myself, and other things thy I'm thankful for it. Even if the reason is kind of sad and weird. I would not say that I changed completely but I know what I want to prioritize in my life. And that's all matters right now in my life. Nevertheless, I had a great time here, in this country and now it's time to get back home. I know for sure that I will miss my home here and my friends and my quiet and peaceful life here. But I have a life in the States that I have to continue. I knew since my first day in this country that I couldn't be too long apart from LA because my family is there, my friends are there and my work is there. So basically my whole life is there.

I am right now standing in front of my house in Madrid and saying goodbye to it. My flight is in three hours and the ride to the airport is 10 minutes. But I wanted to say goodbye to my friends too. So I'm driving over to Hope's house because everyone is gathering there. They wanted to make a little goodbye party for me. I arrive at the party and everyone is already there. We celebrate a little bit and then we say our goodbyes. Then Hope drives me to the airport. I arrive at the airport and walk to the VIP area where my jet is already waiting for me. I greet everyone and sit in one of the seats in the jet. After 30 minutes the pilot announces that we are taking off. Here goes nothing. LA I'm coming home baby and I can't wait to live my new life in this city.

10 hours later I wake up and notice that we have still left two hours until we land. I slept for 6-7 hours and I am still tired. It must be the jet lag that I am feeling. It kicked a little bit too early than expected. But it was bound to happen because of the time difference and then the long flight. No one except my driver knows that I am coming back because I still don't talk much with them. Especially with the girls since that act Bella did on my date night with Hope. I spent the last two hours with working, eating, and chilling.
As soon as the jet lands I already feel that I'm back. I wave to everyone and get out of the jet. My driver is already waiting for me in front of the jet with my favorite sports car.

It's a Red Lykan HyperSport. You may know that car from the fast and furious 7 film. This car was on the scene where Dom and Brian drive from building to building. My driver opened the driver's door for me because he knows how much I love to drive this car. After I got in the car I drive a few rounds around LA and then I drive home to relax a bit and shake that jetlag off me. Once I arrive home Zayn calls me. "You bitch are back and it does not come to your mind to tell your best friend that your back? The audacity!" he says. "Bro I told no one except my driver that I will come back. And I did tell him because he picked me up that's all." "Are you at home?" "Yeah, why?" "Stay there I will be there in a few!" "okay till later!" I say and end the phone call.

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