Chapter 15

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Hailey's POV:

I was talking with Joseph an old friend of mine as Alex brought me my drink. I didn't even notice that he had disappeared after he brought me my beverage. Once I was done with my conversation I looked out for Alex and saw him in a deep conversation with Emily. I know that both of them go way back but I don't know what their relationship status was. Maybe they were together or just friends? I have to find it out. Hence I walked over to them and joined their conversation. At first, they didn't even notice my appearance but after I made some noises they noticed me.

"Oh hey Hailey" Emily said and continued the conversation with Alex. "Hey, babe are you done with your conversation?" Alex asked me. "Yeah, I had a friendly talk with an old friend of mine." he just smiled and nodded at my response. He noticed probably the discomfort I had right now so he moved behind me and embraced me from my back. And I felt safe and nothing else mattered at that moment. He just kept his conversation with Emily. A few minutes later other people joined us. I was the whole time in his arms. I felt so good and calm in his arms that I don't want to get out of the embrace.

It was around 3 am that we left the club and headed to our hotel. We were all smashed from the alcohol. The only one who wasn't affected by the consumption of alcohol was Alex. So he decided that we all sleep in his rooms that way he could take better care of us. I was the second sober one in the group so I could walk into his bedroom and change properly without his help. The next thing I did was laying in his bed. The last thing I heard before I fall asleep was that Alex came into his room and changed his outfit and laid next to me in his bed.

I woke up with someone snuggled into my back. I thought for a glimpse of moment that I slept with someone else but then I recalled the night and I knew it was Alex who spooned my back. I tried to get out of his embrace but he was too strong. So I waited till he woke up. I have to say that I expected a much harder hangover headache but I'm feeling okay right now. Let's hope that it doesn't get worse.

I heard that everyone was up except the boy behind me. I know that he did not sleep the last two days so it's normal that he is sleeping that much right now. But I have to wake him up because he has to fly back to London for his meeting with the opponent's attorney.

"Álvaro babe wake up you have a flight to catch. And you have to do it today so you can be with me again in two days. So get up and don't let me miss you too much." I kissed his face the whole time but he didn't even bulge. I knew that the only thing that will get him up was when I would get off his embrace and that's what I did. He immediately opened his eyes.

"Do I have to go? Veronica can easily make my job she knows everything and would handle the situation probably better than me. I swear this girl is something else. If we both would be in the same field I would have a great competitor. But sadly she just does family law." He said with a disappointed look. "No, you have to get up and attend this meeting because you promised your ex that you would look after her case and not some employee of yours. So take responsibility for your actions Mr. Harper." "Okay I will go but after a good breakfast."
"Oh I can do that and I promise it won't be long" I said and stormed out of the room to the kitchen.

I saw everyone were up and made themselves a breakfast or were still hammered from last night. My headache is still the same so I think it won't be worse than it's right now. A few minutes later Alex came with his little luggage and freshly showered and changed. He was almost ready to go. He said down at the table and ate his breakfast quickly and then he said goodbye to everyone. I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes there. He called an Uber to get to the airport and gave me his car just in case we need it before our flight to Paris. The fashion week is coming up so we all have to fly over to Paris and Alex will join us there with everyone else.

Alex's POV:

My Uber came and I texted my pilot that I'm on my way to the hangar. After that, I texted Veronica that I'm about to get on the jet and that I will be in a few hours in London. And that she should be prepared because the minute I land I will directly head over to my office to get ready for the meeting.

Once I was on the jet I checked my emails and saw that I had an email from Justin. Oh boy. He wrote me in that email what a whore Hailey is and that she cheated on him and not vice versa like she is telling. And that he wanted a divorce at first, but that she always said that she loves him and some other bullshit that I didn't even read. I know that he is lying. He's just doing that so that I think that she is not with it and blah blah blah. Like I said bullshit I don't even know how he dares to lie because the whole world saw him cheating on her multiple times. I didn't even respond to his email and deleted it.

Right before we were about to land I changed my outfit into something formal. So I could drive directly to my office instead of going home and changing their or at the office.

 So I could drive directly to my office instead of going home and changing their or at the office

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As we landed I had a quick talk with my pilot about the Paris trip. So he could prepare for the flight.
And then I drove to my office. As I got into the building Veronica was already waiting with one large cup of coffee in her hand and handed it to me.

"Boss, you look like a sleep-deprived are you sure you can handle this meeting in this condition?" "I think so and when not you can help me handle it right? Because you know probably more than me about this case." "Yeah, I would love to help you if it's needed." "Well let's get started with this hell of a meeting." I said and stepped my foot into the meeting room and saw everyone sitting at the table. Here goes nothing.

A/N: just to let you guys know I'm writing currently the 46th chapter. I originally planned to write only 40 chapters but it got out of hand once I started writing. So I don't know when I will be finished with the whole story.

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