Chapter 65

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Alex's POV:

On my way to my car, I stop at an ice cream shop and buy myself some ice cream. If Hailey would know that I buy myself ice cream and eat it without her she would kill me for sure. After the ice cream, I get in my car and drive home. On my way, I call my mother but she does not pick up. Weird she always picks up, even when I call her in the middle of the night. That is why I decide to stop at their house and see what my parents are doing. I call Vanessa and she does not pick up but texts me a few minutes later that she showered so I call her again and she picks up. "Hello, how are you?" "Bien y tu?" She asks me. "Alright, did you talk with mom today?" "Ehm, yes we did. I called her after I woke up because I had a weird dream and I had to ask what it meant." She says. "Did she tell you what she will do today?" "No, not that I remember. Why do you ask? Is everything okay?" Oh no now she is getting worried "Oh yeah yeah everything is alright. It's just that I called mom and she did not pick up so I got worried but you told me that you talked with her so everything is okay. And I am right now on my way there!" I say to her. "Eh, can you pick me up on your way? I want to see them too, we didn't saw each other for a long time and I missed you guys so much!" "Yeah, that happens when you stay with your boyfriend and spent your free time with him rather than with your family, missy!" I say to her. I know that she got worried and wants to join me because I know my sister like the back of my hand. "I will be there in five!" I say to her. "Okay, I am already ready." "Till now!" "Bye," she says and I end the call and change my root to her house.

I arrive a few minutes later at her house and she is already waiting on her porch for me. I stop at her porch and she gets in. "Hi!" she says with a high peachy voice. "Oh my god did you have sex last night?" She looks at me with a shocked expression and gets immediately red. "The cheek, the nerve, the audacity!" I say and drive out of her driveway.

20 minutes later we arrive at the front door of our parent's house. My dad's car is not there but mom is, so that means mom is alone at home. We both get out of the car and walk into our childhood home. "Mama we are home!" Nessa screams. "Oh, mi hijos what are you doing here?" She walks out of the kitchen and she looks like a mess. But I know that she did great things in the kitchen because the whole house smells like delicious food. Nessa walks into the kitchen and my mom and I walk after her. "Wow mom do we have a celebration or why did you cook and bake so many things?" I ask her. "Well, my lovely kids it is again the time of the year when our mother cooks and bakes a lot of food for the kids at our orphanage!" She says. Oh, how did I forget about this? Every year my mom and I organize a big meal for the children in our family orphanage which my great-great-grandfather built nearly 80 years ago and since then every year on his date of death we give a big meal to the kids in the orphanage. And today is the day of his death and that also explains why his mother did not pick up her phone because she was too busy to cook and bake.

Usually, we do it all together as a family but we all kind of forgot it except my parents. Because I see my dad's famous brownies on the countertop. Now I feel really bad about it, I was so focused on my own life that I forgot about the children in the orphanage. I always visited them but since I am back I didn't visit them once. I am such an idiot! "Mom lo siento! How could I forget about it? Is there something else to do that I can do? I would do anything!" I say. "No mi Hijo your father and I did everything and don't worry we took care of everything. Besides you have right the moment other things to worry about so, normally, you forgot about the event. It's no biggie!" my mom says with a smile on her face and then she turns around to Vanessa and stops to smile. Oh-oh! "But you miss, you have nothing going in your life that could excuse you why you forgot about this day! So tell me why did you forget about this day??" She asks Vanessa. Vanessa can't say anything to it, so my mom screams at her in Spanish and says really bad words, and then both of them start arguing. I don't go between them because you have to know that you should never go between two Latinas who are fighting. To go between them is more dangerous than to play with fire.

In the meantime, as they both argue I text in the group chat about the situation and ask everyone if they could come to the event. So that I can apologize to the children and make them a surprise with a lot of celebrities. I also text them to bring a lot of toys with them. "Yo Nessa comes on, we have to make some kids happy!" I say to her and both of them stop screaming and turn around to me "What do you mean?" "You and I go to the mall and buy the kids some toys and after that, we come back here and help mom and dad to transport all the food to the orphanage!" I say to her and she nods and walks out with me. My mom does not say anything but she looks at me with a proud face. We walk to the car and I look at Vanessa and she looks pissed. "You know that you have to owe me something because I saved your ass again!" "Yeah, yeah I know thanks!" she mumbles and gets on her phone to read all the texts in the group chat. "Oh my god, how did you arrange all of this in a short time?" She asks me. "Well my dear sister I know a few people who know a few people and they know a few people, so that's why I could arrange so many things in such a short time!" I say to her. "You are doing the wrong job you know that right? You should open an organization company and do that as your job!" "Hahaha, no thanks I love my job!" I say and we drive for the rest of the ride in silence.

We arrive at the mall and we both run to the toy shop because it's almost time to go to the orphanage and we still have to choose gifts and let them pack. That's why we decide to slip into two groups. I take the boy's side and she the girl's side and we both have just half an hour time for it. 15 minutes later I was done and Nessa was still searching for some toys. Girls have so many toys that are why she is taking longer than me. Boys have just cars or guns that's all. That's why I walk over to her and help her so that we get done as soon as possible. After I help her and we pay for all the toys we walk to my car and drive to the orphanage.

As we arrive our parents and the rest of our family is already there. We unload the car and then I walk over to the kids and they see me and run to me embracing me in a big hug. "Hello, kids I know that I promised you that I would visit but I broke it and I'm sorry for it but I promise that I will visit more in the next time. To make it up to you I brought you some toys but they are all by my car so you have to follow me." I say and they walk with me and a teacher from the orphanage school. As we reach my car they notice Nessa and run to her too and hug her. Nessa is a person who does not like physical affection. So you can't really see her hugging someone for real. She is faking it all the time. Even with her boyfriend! That poor guy, but with these kids it's different, you can see how much she loves these kids, she hugs them like there is no tomorrow. She never hugged one of us like that! She was her whole life like the even as a baby! I don't get how a baby does not like it to be holding but she didn't at all! She always cried when we hold her too long. You could hold her for the necessary things like feeding, burping, and other things but for other things she threw a tantrum.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see that a few cars drive into the parking lot and it's the guys' and girls' cars, I don't walk over to them because then the kids would notice it and I want it to be a surprise so that's why I stand there and put my phone out of my pocket and text them not to get out of the car. They all ask why and I explain to them that they are currently unpacking our gifts and after that, they can walk out of the car. They wait for about 20 minutes and then I give them a sign that they can come out.

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