Chapter 56

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Alex's POV:

After the talk, I had with Hailey I calmed down. The fight between Nessa and me was unnecessary and stupid. I'm going to apologize even if I'm not the one who started it. I have to take responsibility because I'm the oldest and if I don't make any move Nessa will not make any move towards reconciliation with me. We walk over to the ice cream shop and Nessa and Kendall are already there sitting and eating ice cream. We approach both girls and Nessa stands up and hugs me. "I am sorry. I exaggerate a little too much. It's just that we have some problems right now and I took it out on you." I smile at her. "It is okay don't worry. I forgive you but next time when you have problems with him come to me and talk about it. Or now that the girls know you can talk with them too." I say to her and hug her tightly. The girls already ordered their ice cream that's why I go inside and order myself and Hailey some ice cream.

After we are our ice cream we walked a little bit on the beach together and then we drove back home. Currently, we are sitting in my cinema room and we are about to watch some films. Everyone changed their clothes except me. "Girls I will go upstairs and change my outfit. It won't be long but if you want you can already start with the film. I wouldn't mind." I say. "No, we will have until you come back," Kendall says and I nod and go into my bedroom to change. A few minutes later I'm back with my new outfit.

We watch at least four films I think because after the first film I stopped counting. I could pick the first film and the other ones were picked by the girls so I lost interest in it. My whole focus was on Hailey the whole time and on a few thoughts that I had. She noticed that I was looking at her but she didn't say anything. She would look at me a few times and would smile at me. The other two didn't notice a single thing because they were so focused on the film and after two hours both of them dozed off.

It was midnight when the last film ended and Hailey and I decided to go to bed. Hailey turned the projector off and cleaned the room whilst I put Kendall and Nessa in their beds. About after an hour, both girls were tugged into their beds and I go downstairs to look for Hailey. As I walk into the living room I find her also dozed off. At first, I look around to find anything that she hadn't already cleaned up so that we don't have to do it later. I can't find anything that means she cleaned everything up. Then I walk over to her and pick her up and carry her to her room. I open her door and walk over to her bed to lay her down. As I lay her down she wraps her arms around my neck and mumbles some things. I can't get what she says but she does not let go of me. So I'm stuck with her in her bed. I try to get out of her arms but it's no success. After a long time of trying to get away, I give up and decide to join her in her bed. I lay down with her and she notice that a body is laying next to her, that's why she snuggles further into me. If I am honest I like to lay in bed with her again. I missed this. I missed us but I don't know how she feels about this and I have for sure no clue how she is going to react in the morning when she is awake.

Next morning
Hailey's POV:

I wake up with a massive headache. I don't know where this headache is coming from because I didn't drink any alcohol last night. I look around and notice that I'm in my bed but how did I come here? The last thing that I remember is that we were in the cinema room watching some films. The headache hurts so much that I stand up from the bed and walk over to the bathroom to find some Advil. Sadly I don't find any that's why I walk back towards the bed. As I walk I notice that somebody is laying in the bed. The nearer I walk I see that it is Alex? What the fuck is he doing in my bed? Did we sleep last night? Wait that's not possible I have everything on from last night so does he. Did he carry me into the bedroom and fall asleep next to me??

I have so many questions right now in my mind and the only way to find any answer to my questions is to wake Alex up. I walk over to his side and kneel to his face and before I wake him up I notice how cute he looks in his sleep and how much I missed seeing him whilst he is sleeping. As we were together I loved to wake up earlier than him and stare at him for no reason. It always calmed me down to see him next to me. I always felt protected and secure. I struggled for a long time after we broke up, with my sleep because he was not next to me and that gave me an uneasy feeling. When I think about I haven't slept so well as last night in a long time. I must have felt that he was sleeping next to me. I was staring at him and he woke up. I still don't move even when he opens his eyes because I can't and I won't move. He looks me in the eyes and I look back. We don't move for a few minutes and then we both lean in and almost kiss but we get interrupted by Kendall and Nessa. "Ehm sorry guys we just wanted to say that breakfast is ready and we couldn't find Alex in his bed so we walked into the room without knocking. If we would have known that you would be together we wouldn't barge into the room. We are sorry just act like we didn't interrupt you and continue where you left. We were never here. Come on Nessa let's go!" Kendall says and both of them leave the room without letting us say anything about it.

Alex and I go downstairs to join the girls. We didn't continue where we left. We both got up and got ready for breakfast and went downstairs. We didn't even talk about the almost kiss. I think that he still is not entirely ready for this kind of talk. I'm not sure if I'm ready too, to be honest. We walk into the kitchen and both girls look into our faces to see anything but with no success. "Hey girls, I don't know what do you have in your mind for today but I have to go to the office and have a few papers to sign and after that, we can do whatever you want!" Alex says. I look out of the window and then go in my weather app and see that it will be raining today. And that the weather app is giving a warning about the rain. "Alex are you sure that you want to go to the office because I got a warning from my weather app and it says that we should not go out of the house!" I say to him. He looks outside. "Don't worry I won't be long and if you look precisely at the app you can that it won't rain for the next two hours and until then I'm back. I promise!" he says and continues to eat his breakfast. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am positive Hailey I just have to sign a few papers that's all and we can chill the whole day at home." He says to me. I still have an apprehensive feeling about it but I'm not saying anything to them.

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